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The Met Fifth facade
In the first millennium CE, several communities in the northern highlands of Peru shared a distinctive tradition that is known today as the Recuay.
Hugo C. Ikehara–Tsukayama
January 31
Detail of a carved human figure finial with hands clasped at its chest, with designs traced in white against the black surface.
Mutuaga’s spatula at The Met is a product of innovation and adaptation in the face of sweeping colonial and missionary incursions into the Territory of Papua.
Sylvia Cockburn and Susan Abel
January 28
On the left, a two-faced headdress, known as a dance crest, with horns. On the right, a crocodilian dance crest with curving horns.
A team of conservators and scientists have been investigating a selection of West African dance crests that will soon be on display.
Katherine McFarlin
December 6, 2024
The Met Fifth facade
Colombia fue el hogar de distintas sociedades que crearon numerosos estilos de orfebrería desde el 500 a.e.c. hasta el siglo XVI.
Héctor García Botero
December 5, 2024
The Met Fifth facade
Los metales fueron recursos muy preciados por los antiguos peruanos, estimados por su importancia dentro de la cosmología de sus comunidades.
Luisa Vetter Parodi
December 5, 2024
The Met Fifth facade
Ancient Colombia was home to societies that created numerous styles of metalwork from 500 BCE to the sixteenth century.
Héctor García Botero
December 5, 2024
The Met Fifth facade
Metals were greatly prized resources for the ancient Peruvians, esteemed for their importance in the cosmology of their communities.
Luisa Vetter Parodi
December 5, 2024
Recently, three exhibitions with works on scrolled paper challenged Paper Conservation staff to find mounting methods that showcased the objects in visually exciting ways.
Rebecca Capua, Yana van Dyke, and Rachel Mustalish
October 24, 2024
An object included in the exhibition Mandalas initiated discussions amongst curators and conservators about the ethical considerations of inpainting.
October 24, 2024
Mask made of hammered sheet gold alloy and covered in red pigment
The funerary offerings found in the tombs of the Moche, Sicán, and Chimú cultures in Peru reveal highly developed metallurgical practices and the command of sophisticated metal technology.
Paloma Carcedo de Mufarech
October 1, 2024