Free Tours
Monday, February 17

Collection Tour: European Art in the Robert Lehman Collection
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Modern & Contemporary Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d’œuvre du musée (Museum Highlights in French)
Museum Highlights in French
Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d'œuvre du musée. Découvrez des chefs-d'œuvres parmi les collections du musée qui couvrent plus de 5000 ans d'histoire et de cultures diverses. Le point de départ des visites est dans le Patio Vélez Blanco, salle 534. Les places étant limitées, les premiers arrivants seront les premiers inclus.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

博物馆重点艺术导览 (Museum Highlights in Chinese/Mandarin)
Museum Highlights in Chinese/Mandarin
博物馆重点艺术导览 . 入场后免费参加.
在博物馆的多样化收藏中发现跨越 5,000 年艺术和文化的艺术作品。 游览从 Vélez Blanco Patio, 534 号画廊出发。人数有限,先到先得。
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visita Guiada Obras-Primas do Museu (Museum Highlights in Portuguese)
Museum Highlights in Portuguese
Visita Guiada Obras-Primas do Museu. Descubra obras de arte da coleção do Museu que abrangem 5.000 anos de história e diversas culturas. O ponto de encontro para as visitas guiadas é o Pátio Vélez Blanco, Galeria 534. O espaço é limitado: vagas por ordem de chegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Highlights of The Cloisters
Experience the art and architecture of medieval Europe from intimate works of private devotion to the splendor of the Unicorn Tapestries. Tours depart from the Main Hall. Space is limited: first come, first served. This program is free with Museum admission.
Assistive listening devices with headsets or neck loops are available from the Admissions Desk in the Main Hall. We encourage you to bring your own headphones. For other access accommodations, contact or 212-650-2010.

Collection Tour: European Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: American Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

日本語ハイライトツアー (Museum Highlights in Japanese)
Museum Highlights in Japanese
ツアーはギャラリ−534(Vélez Blanco Patio)から出発。人数制限あり。先着順。
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Обзорные экскурсии на русском языке Шедевры Музея (Museum Highlights in Russian)
Museum Highlights in Russian
Обзорные экскурсии на русском языке Шедевры Музея
Бесплатно при покупке входного билета.
Откройте для себя коллекцию произведении искусства музея, охватывающую более 5000 тысяч лет истории развития человечества. Экскурсии начинаются в патио Vélez Blanco, галерея 534. Количество мест ограничено: в порядке живой очереди.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: American Paintings and Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.
Tuesday, February 18

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Spirituality in Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Medieval Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of South & Southeast Asia
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d’œuvre du musée (Museum Highlights in French)
Museum Highlights in French
Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d'œuvre du musée. Découvrez des chefs-d'œuvres parmi les collections du musée qui couvrent plus de 5000 ans d'histoire et de cultures diverses. Le point de départ des visites est dans le Patio Vélez Blanco, salle 534. Les places étant limitées, les premiers arrivants seront les premiers inclus.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

日本語ハイライトツアー (Museum Highlights in Japanese)
Museum Highlights in Japanese
ツアーはギャラリ−534(Vélez Blanco Patio)から出発。人数制限あり。先着順。
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arms and Armor
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: American Paintings and Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Rooms and Decorative Arts
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

박물관 하이라이트 투어 (Museum Highlights in Korean)
Museum Highlights in Korean
박물관 하이라이트 투어
5000년에 걸친 예술과 문화를 아우르는
예술작품을 만나보세요
투어 출발 장소는 벨레즈 브랑코 패디오,
겔러리 534
투어 참석 인원은 제한되며 선착순입니다
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Fashion in Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Highlights of The Cloisters
Experience the art and architecture of medieval Europe from intimate works of private devotion to the splendor of the Unicorn Tapestries. Tours depart from the Main Hall. Space is limited: first come, first served. This program is free with Museum admission.
Assistive listening devices with headsets or neck loops are available from the Admissions Desk in the Main Hall. We encourage you to bring your own headphones. For other access accommodations, contact or 212-650-2010.

Collection Tour: European Art in the Robert Lehman Collection
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of China
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

博物馆重点艺术导览 (Museum Highlights in Chinese/Mandarin)
Museum Highlights in Chinese/Mandarin
博物馆重点艺术导览 . 入场后免费参加.
在博物馆的多样化收藏中发现跨越 5,000 年艺术和文化的艺术作品。 游览从 Vélez Blanco Patio, 534 号画廊出发。人数有限,先到先得。
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Visita Guidata dei Capolavori in Italiano (Museum Highlights in Italian)
Museum Highlights in Italian
Visita Guidata dei Capolavori in Italian. Gratuita con l’acquisto del biglietto d’ingresso. Scoprite le opere d’arte attraverso le collezioni del museo che coprono piu’ di 5000 anni di storia e di culture diverse. Il punto di partenza delle visite e’ all’interno del Patio Velez Blanco, galleria 534. I posti sono limitati, i visitatori verranno inclusi in ordine di arrivo.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Gallery Chats: Body Language
Drop in on informal conversations with Museum guides in selected collections across the Museum and discover thematic connections in works of art from different cultures, time periods, and places. Enjoy informal chats with Museum guides in English and Spanish.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: American Life
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Greek and Roman Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of Japan
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

印象派、後期印象派ツアーImpressionism & Post-Impressionism in Japanese
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists, in Japanese. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.

Collection Tour in French
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: Art of Ancient Egypt
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Islamic Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Modern & Contemporary Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Landscapes In 30 Minutes
Spend a half hour connecting with Landscapes across the Museum's collection.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.
Thursday, February 20

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Spirituality in Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Medieval Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Musical Instruments
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d’œuvre du musée (Museum Highlights in French)
Museum Highlights in French
Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d'œuvre du musée. Découvrez des chefs-d'œuvres parmi les collections du musée qui couvrent plus de 5000 ans d'histoire et de cultures diverses. Le point de départ des visites est dans le Patio Vélez Blanco, salle 534. Les places étant limitées, les premiers arrivants seront les premiers inclus.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

博物馆重点艺术导览 (Museum Highlights in Chinese/Mandarin)
Museum Highlights in Chinese/Mandarin
博物馆重点艺术导览 . 入场后免费参加.
在博物馆的多样化收藏中发现跨越 5,000 年艺术和文化的艺术作品。 游览从 Vélez Blanco Patio, 534 号画廊出发。人数有限,先到先得。
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arms and Armor
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: American Paintings and Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Rooms and Decorative Arts
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visita Guiada Obras-Primas do Museu (Museum Highlights in Portuguese)
Museum Highlights in Portuguese
Visita Guiada Obras-Primas do Museu. Descubra obras de arte da coleção do Museu que abrangem 5.000 anos de história e diversas culturas. O ponto de encontro para as visitas guiadas é o Pátio Vélez Blanco, Galeria 534. O espaço é limitado: vagas por ordem de chegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

박물관 하이라이트 투어 (Museum Highlights in Korean)
Museum Highlights in Korean
박물관 하이라이트 투어
5000년에 걸친 예술과 문화를 아우르는
예술작품을 만나보세요
투어 출발 장소는 벨레즈 브랑코 패디오,
겔러리 534
투어 참석 인원은 제한되며 선착순입니다
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Fashion in Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Highlights of The Cloisters
Experience the art and architecture of medieval Europe from intimate works of private devotion to the splendor of the Unicorn Tapestries. Tours depart from the Main Hall. Space is limited: first come, first served. This program is free with Museum admission.
Assistive listening devices with headsets or neck loops are available from the Admissions Desk in the Main Hall. We encourage you to bring your own headphones. For other access accommodations, contact or 212-650-2010.

Collection Tour: European Art in the Robert Lehman Collection
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of China
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Meisterwerke im Museum (Museum Highlights in German)
Museum Highlights in German
Meisterwerke im Museum. Entdecken Sie Kunstwerke aus der vielfältigen Sammlung des Museums, die eine Zeitspanne von 5000 Jahren Kunst und Kultur umfassen. Treffpunkt ist der Innenhof von Vélez Blanco, Ausstellungsraum 534. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt auf der erst-kommt-erst-bedient Basis.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Gallery Chats: Innovators & Influencers
Drop in on informal conversations with Museum guides in selected collections across the Museum and discover thematic connections in works of art from different cultures, time periods, and places. Enjoy informal chats with Museum guides in English and Spanish.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: American Life
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Greek and Roman Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of Japan
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

古埃及艺术导赏Egyptian Art in Mandarin
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists, in Chinese/Mandarin.. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.

Collection Tour in French
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: Art of Ancient Egypt
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Modern & Contemporary Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Landscapes In 30 Minutes
Spend a half hour connecting with Landscapes across the Museum's collection.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.
Friday, February 21

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Spirituality in Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Musical Instruments
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of South & Southeast Asia
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d’œuvre du musée (Museum Highlights in French)
Museum Highlights in French
Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d'œuvre du musée. Découvrez des chefs-d'œuvres parmi les collections du musée qui couvrent plus de 5000 ans d'histoire et de cultures diverses. Le point de départ des visites est dans le Patio Vélez Blanco, salle 534. Les places étant limitées, les premiers arrivants seront les premiers inclus.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

日本語ハイライトツアー (Museum Highlights in Japanese)
Museum Highlights in Japanese
ツアーはギャラリ−534(Vélez Blanco Patio)から出発。人数制限あり。先着順。
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Ancient Near East
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Great Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: American Paintings and Sculpture
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Rooms and Decorative Arts
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

박물관 하이라이트 투어 (Museum Highlights in Korean)
Museum Highlights in Korean
박물관 하이라이트 투어
5000년에 걸친 예술과 문화를 아우르는
예술작품을 만나보세요
투어 출발 장소는 벨레즈 브랑코 패디오,
겔러리 534
투어 참석 인원은 제한되며 선착순입니다
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Fashion in Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Highlights of The Cloisters
Experience the art and architecture of medieval Europe from intimate works of private devotion to the splendor of the Unicorn Tapestries. Tours depart from the Main Hall. Space is limited: first come, first served. This program is free with Museum admission.
Assistive listening devices with headsets or neck loops are available from the Admissions Desk in the Main Hall. We encourage you to bring your own headphones. For other access accommodations, contact or 212-650-2010.

Collection Tour: European Art in the Robert Lehman Collection
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of China
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Обзорные экскурсии на русском языке Шедевры Музея (Museum Highlights in Russian)
Museum Highlights in Russian
Обзорные экскурсии на русском языке Шедевры Музея
Бесплатно при покупке входного билета.
Откройте для себя коллекцию произведении искусства музея, охватывающую более 5000 тысяч лет истории развития человечества. Экскурсии начинаются в патио Vélez Blanco, галерея 534. Количество мест ограничено: в порядке живой очереди.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Visita Guidata dei Capolavori in Italiano (Museum Highlights in Italian)
Museum Highlights in Italian
Visita Guidata dei Capolavori in Italian. Gratuita con l’acquisto del biglietto d’ingresso. Scoprite le opere d’arte attraverso le collezioni del museo che coprono piu’ di 5000 anni di storia e di culture diverse. Il punto di partenza delle visite e’ all’interno del Patio Velez Blanco, galleria 534. I posti sono limitati, i visitatori verranno inclusi in ordine di arrivo.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: American Life
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Greek and Roman Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Arts of Japan
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

印象派、後期印象派ツアーImpressionism & Post-Impressionism in Japanese
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists, in Japanese. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: Art of Ancient Egypt
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Islamic Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Modern & Contemporary Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Landscapes In 30 Minutes
Spend a half hour connecting with Landscapes across the Museum's collection.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.
Saturday, February 22

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d’œuvre du musée (Museum Highlights in French)
Museum Highlights in French
Visites Guidées en Français Chefs-d'œuvre du musée. Découvrez des chefs-d'œuvres parmi les collections du musée qui couvrent plus de 5000 ans d'histoire et de cultures diverses. Le point de départ des visites est dans le Patio Vélez Blanco, salle 534. Les places étant limitées, les premiers arrivants seront les premiers inclus.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Medieval Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: Greek and Roman Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Visita Guiada Obras Maestras (Museum Highlights in Spanish)
Museum Highlights in Spanish
Visita Guiada Obras Maestras. Descubra obras de arte en la diversa colección del museo que abarca más de 5,000 años de arte y cultura. Las visitas guiadas parten del Patio de Vélez Blanco, Galería 534. El espacio es limitado: se distribuyen los cupos de acuerdo al orden de llegada.
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Highlights of The Cloisters
Experience the art and architecture of medieval Europe from intimate works of private devotion to the splendor of the Unicorn Tapestries. Tours depart from the Main Hall. Space is limited: first come, first served. This program is free with Museum admission.
Assistive listening devices with headsets or neck loops are available from the Admissions Desk in the Main Hall. We encourage you to bring your own headphones. For other access accommodations, contact or 212-650-2010.

Collection Tour: Modern & Contemporary Art
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: Highlights of Asia
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Collection Tour: European Paintings
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.

Collection Tour: Arms and Armor
Spend an hour in deep exploration of part of The Met collection, from ancient Egyptian art to French Impressionist paintings, Islamic textiles, or the work of contemporary artists. Note: Space is limited; first come, first served. Tours depart from Gallery 534, Vélez Blanco Patio. Free with Museum admission.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.

Museum Highlights
Discover works of art that span 5,000 years of art and culture across the Museum’s diverse collection. Tours depart from the Vélez Blanco Patio, Gallery 534. Space is limited: first come, first served.
Tours subject to change; please check on site.