Italian Renaissance Frames

Italian Renaissance Frames

Newbery, Timothy J., George Bisacca, and Laurence B. Kanter
112 pages
125 illustrations
8.5 x 11 in
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The frames created in Italy during the Renaissance are unequaled in their range of design, richness of decoration, and craftsmanship. Often works of art in themselves, they have suffered nonetheless from their subordinate role. The objects framed might be treasured but the frames were expendable, and frequently they were altered or discarded to keep pace with changes in taste over succeeding generations. The result of such neglect is that comparatively few Renaissance frames survive and little is known today about the artists and artisans who designed and made them. The study of Italian Renaissance frames, as of frames in general, is a study in its infancy.

Drawing on the outstanding collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, this book presents a unique, fully illustrated survey that traces the Italian frame from its origins in the great Gothic altarpieces through its various, often elaborate manifestations as an independent unit up to the seventeenth century. Within this chronological context, selected examples are grouped by type, and centers of production are identified wherever possible. Profile drawings provide specialist information. The discussion includes frames for mirrors as well as pictures and reliefs, and bronze and terracotta frames as well as wood.

Multiple artists/makers
J. V. D. M.
Hendrik en Daniel van Damme
Panel with Byzantine Ivory Carving of the Crucifixion, Silver-gilt with pseudo-filigree, glass, crystal, and sapphire cabochons, ivory on wood support, Byzantine (ivory); Spanish (setting)
Byzantine (ivory); Spanish (setting)
10th century (ivory); late 11th century (setting)
The Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints, Giovanni di Tano Fei  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Giovanni di Tano Fei
Saint Peter Martyr Healing the Leg of a Young Man, Antonio Vivarini  Italian, Tempera and gold on wood
Antonio Vivarini
ca. 1450
Madonna and Child, Master of the Pellegrini Chapel, Terracotta, polychromed and gilded, Italian, Tuscany
Master of the Pellegrini Chapel
ca. 1430
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, Taddeo Gaddi  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Taddeo Gaddi
ca. 1340, updated ca. 1480
Scenes from the Life of King Nebuchadnezzar, Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona  Italian, Tempera on wood, embossed and gilt ornament
Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona
Young Woman, Francesco Laurana  Italian, born Croatia, Marble, probably Southern French
Francesco Laurana
ca. 1475
Madonna and Child, Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
mid-15th century
Saint Ansanus, Simone Martini  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Simone Martini
ca. 1326
Madonna and Child, Simone Martini  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Simone Martini
ca. 1326
Saint Andrew, Simone Martini  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Simone Martini
ca. 1326
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Peter, Saint Agnes, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Lucy, an Unidentified Female Saint, Saint Paul, and Saint John the Baptist, with Eve and the Serpent; the Annunciation, Paolo di Giovanni Fei  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Paolo di Giovanni Fei
ca. 1385–90
Madonna and Child, Paolo di Giovanni Fei  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Paolo di Giovanni Fei
The Man of Sorrows, Michele Giambono (Michele Giovanni Bono)  Italian, Tempera and gold on wood
Michele Giambono (Michele Giovanni Bono)
ca. 1430
Madonna and Child, Master of the Pellegrini Chapel, Terracotta, Italian, Tuscany
Master of the Pellegrini Chapel
Madonna and Child, Benvenuto di Giovanni  Italian, Tempera on wood, gold ground
Benvenuto di Giovanni
ca. 1470
The Flagellation of Christ, Gold, silver, partly enameled gold, gilt-silver frame, Italian, Milan
Italian, Milan
ca. 1492–1503
The Trinity, Bartolomeo di Giovanni  Italian, Tempera on wood
Bartolomeo di Giovanni
Showing 20 of 72

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Newbery, Timothy J., George Bisacca, and Laurence B. Kanter. 1990. Italian Renaissance Frames. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art : Distributed by H.N. Abrams.