Notable Acquisitions, 1982-1983

Notable Acquisitions, 1982–1983

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, with a foreword by Philippe de Montebello
88 pages
124 illustrations
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Votive or funerary stele, Alabaster (calcite)
ca. late 1st millennium BCE
Standing male figure, Alabaster (calcite)
ca. late 1st millennium BCE
Head of a man, Alabaster (calcite)
ca. 3rd–4th century CE
Naophorous Block Statue of a Governor of Sais, Psamtikseneb, Greywacke
664–610 B.C.
Group of the Boeotian Dancers
2nd quarter of the 6th century BCE
Fragment of a terracotta kylix (drinking cup), Euthymides, Potter, Terracotta, Greek, Attic
Euthymides, Potter
ca. 515 BCE
Bronze perirrhanterion (sprinkler), Bronze, Greek
2nd half of the 4th century BCE
Album of Calligraphies Including Poetry and Prophetic Traditions (Hadith), Shaikh Hamdullah ibn Mustafa Dede  Turkish, Main support: ink, watercolor, and gold on paper<br/>Margins: ink, watercolor, and gold on marbled paper<br/>Binding: leather and gold
Shaikh Hamdullah ibn Mustafa Dede
ca. 1500
Portrait of Raja Man Singh of Amber, Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper
ca. 1590
Dagger with Hilt of Leafy Plants, Hilt: Nephrite<br/>Blade: Watered steel
ca. 1640
The House of Bijapur, Kamal Muhammad, Ink, opaque watercolor, gold, and silver on paper
Kamal Muhammad
Chand Muhammad
ca. 1680
Fragment of a Floorspread, Cotton; plain weave, mordant-painted and dyed, resist-dyed
late 17th century
Oval Brooch, Copper alloy, gilt, Viking
Round Box Brooch, Copper alloy, cast, selectively applied silver foil (OA XRD) ..., Viking
Animal-Head Brooch, Cast copper alloy, gilt, Viking
Elder of the Apocalypse, Copper: gilt; champlevé & cloisonné enamel: black, medium and lavender blue, turquoise, almond green, white and pinkish white, French
ca. 1100
Pax, Jet, Spanish
12th century (?)
Ring of Leontios, Gold, niello, Byzantine
ca. 1000
Double Cup, Silver, gilded silver, and enamel, German or Bohemian
German or Bohemian
The Man of Sorrows, Champlevé enamel, gilded copper, Italian
last quarter 14th century
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De Montebello, Philippe, Polly Cone, and Metropolitan Museum of Art, eds. 1983. Notable Acquisitions, 1982-1983. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.