Roman Sarcophagi in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
List of Abbreviations
Catalogue of the Marble Sarcophagi
Garland Sarcophagi
1. Western type
2. Eastern type (Proconnesian)
Mythological Sarcophagi
3, 4. Endymion
5. Contest of the Muses and Sirens
6. Eros with a Torch (fragment)
7. Orestes (fragments)
8. Dying Meleager (fragment)
9. Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes (fragment)
10. Herakles (fragment)
11. Mars and Rhea Silvia (fragment)
12. Nereid (?) (fragment)
13. Apollo and Marsyas (fragment)
14. Eros Mounted on a Horse (fragment)
Dionysiac Sarcophagi
15, 16. Indian Triumph of Dionysus (fragments)
17. Triumph of Dionysus and the Seasons
Battle Sarcophagus
18. Battle of Romans and Gauls (fragments)
Portrait Medallion Sarcophagi
19. Flying Amorini Holding Portrait Medallion
20. Female Portrait Medallion (fragment)
Marriage Sarcophagus
21. Dextrarum iunctio (fragment)
Asia Minor Columnar Sarcophagi
22. Poet-Philosopher, Sidamara type (fragment)
23. Child's Season sarcophagus (fragmentary front panel)
Strigil Sarcophagus
24. Physician
Catalogue of the Lead Sarcophagi
25, 26. Columnar type
27. Child's sarcophagus
28. Fragment with bust motif
Appendix: Chronological Table
Met Art in Publication
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