The Art of South and Southeast Asia: A Resource for Educators

The Art of South and Southeast Asia: A Resource for Educators

Kossak, Steven M., ed., and Edith W. Watts
156 pages
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A great and early civilization arose on the subcontinent of South Asia that in time spread northward to the Himalayan region and eastward to Southeast Asia, a vast area including Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Myanmar. This resource introduces works of art from this area selected from the superb South and Southeast Asian and Islamic collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Included are examples of Buddhist and Hindu temple art and the later court arts of South Asia; these range from miniature painting and luxurious textiles to elegant personal possessions. As well as descriptions of the visual qualities and symbolic meanings of the art, also provided are a summary of South and Southeast Asian history, a section about Buddhism and Hinduism, a timeline and map, classroom activities, lesson plans, a bibliography, and a glossary.

These educational materials were made possible by The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation.

Buddhist Shrine, Bronze, Thailand
13th century
Standing Buddha Offering Protection, Red sandstone, India (Uttar Pradesh, Mathura)
India (Uttar Pradesh, Mathura)
late 5th century
Maharana Ari Singh with His Courtiers Being Entertained at the Jagniwas Water Palace, Bhima , Indian Indian, Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper, India (Rajasthan, Mewar, Udaipur)
Multiple artists/makers
dated 1767
Pierced Window Screen, Red sandstone; pierced, carved
second half 16th century
Seal with an Ox, Baked steatite, Pakistan
3000–1500 BCE
Stamp seal: buffalo with incense burner (?), Steatite, burnt, glazed, Indus
ca. 2600–1900 BCE
Plaque with a Royal Family, Terracotta, India (West Bengal, Chandraketugarh)
India (West Bengal, Chandraketugarh)
1st century BCE
One from a Pair of Ear Ornaments (Prakaravapra Kundala), Gold, sheet, wire and granulation, India, Andhra Pradesh
India, Andhra Pradesh
ca. 1st century BCE–1st century CE
Standing Bodhisattva Maitreya (Buddha of the Future), Gray schist, Pakistan (ancient region of Gandhara)
Pakistan (ancient region of Gandhara)
ca. 3rd century
Drum panel with scenes of the Great Departure and Temptation of the Buddha, Limestone, India, Nagarjunakonda, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh
India, Nagarjunakonda, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh
first half 3rd century CE
Buddha Preaching the First Sermon at Sarnath, Black stone, India (Bihar, probably Nalanda)
India (Bihar, probably Nalanda)
11th century
Chakrasamvara Mandala, Distemper on cloth, Nepal
ca. 1100
Buddha Offering Protection, Copper alloy with gilding, Sri Lanka, central plateau
Sri Lanka, central plateau
10th century
Buddha Amoghasiddhi with Eight Bodhisattvas, Distemper on cloth, Central Tibet
Central Tibet
ca. 1200–50
Mahasiddha Jnanatapa, Distemper on cloth, Eastern Tibet, Kham, Riwoche monastery
Eastern Tibet, Kham, Riwoche monastery
ca. 1350
Tara, the Buddhist Savior, Gilt copper alloy with color and semiprecious stone inlay, Nepal, Kathmandu Valley
Nepal, Kathmandu Valley
14th century
Mandala of Jnanadakini, Distemper on cloth, Tibet
late 14th century
Yamantaka, Destroyer of the God of Death, Distemper on cloth, Tibet
early 18th century
Krishna Killing the Horse Demon Keshi, Terracotta, India (Uttar Pradesh)
India (Uttar Pradesh)
5th century
Vaikuntha Vishnu, Stone, India (Jammu & Kashmir, ancient kingdom of Kashmir)
India (Jammu & Kashmir, ancient kingdom of Kashmir)
last quarter of the 8th century
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Kossak, Steven, and Edith W. Watts. 2001. The Art of South and Southeast Asia: A Resource for Educators. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.