Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 24
This title is out of print.
- "The Emperor's New Saddle Cloth: The Ephippium of the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius"
- "Of Dragons, Basilisks, and the Arms of the Seven Kings of Rome"
- "Some Heraldic Fragments Found at Castle Montfort/Starkenberg in 1926, and the Arms of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights"
- "Organology and Iconography of Ancient Egypt and the Renaissance"
- "Timeas's Scarab"
- "Footwork in Ancient Greek Swordsmanship"
- "Armorial Adjuncts"
- "The Morgan Scramasax"
- "A Famous Fourteenth-Century Japanese Armor"
- "European Armor from the Imperial Ottoman Arsenal"
- "Popular Imagery in a Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Crèche"
- "A Paternoster Pendant in the Robert Lehman Collection"
- "A Rosary Picture with a View of the Park of the Ducal Palace in Brussels, Possibly by Goswijn van der Weyden"
- "Francesco Granacci and Some Questions of Identity"
- "With Bells on His Toes"
- "'Ick Sorgheloose...': A Silver-Stained Roundel in The Cloisters"
- "Model of a Basilisk by Petrus de Arena"
- "The Guarded Tablet"
- "A Beam Compass by Christoph Trechsler the Elder and the Origin of the Micrometer Screw"
- "Arms for Aeneas: A Group Reattributed to Jean Cornu"
- "Repraesentatio Belli, ob successionem in Regno Hispanico...: A Tea Service and Garniture by the Schwarzlot Decorator Ignaz Preissler"
- "Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier and Two Revolutions"
- "A Nineteenth-Century Album of English Organ Cases"
- "Ephemera and the Print Room"
- "Mother Cassowary's Bones: Daggers of the East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea"
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