The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Notable Acquisitions, 1965-1975

The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Notable Acquisitions, 1965–1975

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, with a foreword by Thomas Hoving
300 pages
855 illustrations
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Collecting is the lifeblood of the Metropolitan. From its myriad collections, spanning five thousand years and illustrating most of the known civilizations of history, spring all the significant functions of the Museum: education, communication, scholarship, preservation, and exhibition. Curiously enough, the mission of collecting has not up to now been explained to our public in all its complexities; this is the principal purpose of the exhibition Patterns of Collecting. Through it, Olga Raggio, Chairman of Western European Arts and the organizer of the show, has indicated why we collect specific works of art and how they came into the collections. The exhibition, and the present catalogue, are tributes to the extraordinary connoisseurship of the curatorial staff—their acumen, sensitivity, knowledge, and courage.

Plaque with two male figures supporting a roller, Bronze, Babylonian
ca. 2000–1600 BCE
Horse bit cheekpiece in form of a kneeling hero, Bronze, Iran
ca. early 1st millennium BCE
Silver phiale (libation bowl), Silver, gold, East Greek, perhaps Rhodian
East Greek, perhaps Rhodian
late 7th or early 6th century BCE
East Greek
6th century BCE
late 6th century BCE
East Greek
6th century BCE
Silver phiale (libation bowl), Silver, East Greek
East Greek
6th century BCE
Terracotta one-handled drinking cup, Inscription Painter, Terracotta, Greek, Chalcidian
Inscription Painter
3rd quarter of the 6th century BCE
Terracotta plate, Epiktetos as painter, Terracotta, Greek, Attic
ca. 520–510 BCE
Terracotta oinochoe (jug), Euthymides, Potter, Terracotta, Greek, Attic
Euthymides, Potter
ca. 520–510 BCE
Terracotta stand, Terracotta, Greek, Attic
Greek, Attic
ca. 520 BCE
Terracotta alabastron (perfume vase), Terracotta, Etruscan
6th century BCE
Bronze handle of a strainer, Bronze, Etruscan
5th century BCE
Marble portrait of a man, Marble, Roman
mid–3rd century CE
Biconical Bead with Scrolls, Gold; filigree and granulation
11th century
Roundel, Gold; filigree, granulation
11th century
Mace Head, Rock crystal; carved
late 15th century
Dragon-Shaped Brooch, Copper alloy with champlevé enamel, Celtic or Roman
Celtic or Roman
Steelyard Weight with a Bust of a Byzantine Empress and a Hook, Copper alloy, filled with lead, brass hook, Byzantine

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———, ed. 1975. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Notable Acquisitions, 1965-1975. New York: The Museum.