The Wild Man: Medieval Myth and Symbolism

The Wild Man: Medieval Myth and Symbolism

Husband, Timothy, with the assistance of Gloria Gilmore-House
220 pages
149 illustrations
8.5 x 10.5 in
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William D. Wixom

Timothy Husband

Lenders to the Exhibition


Color Plates


Appendix A
Appendix B

Ewer with Wild Man Finial, Silver gilt, enamel, and paint, German
ca. 1500
Multiple artists/makers
December, 5 1488
The Penance of Saint John Chrisostom, Lucas Cranach the Elder  German, Engraving
Lucas Cranach the Elder
The Werewolf or the Cannibal, Lucas Cranach the Elder  German, Woodcut
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Plate, Silver-gilt; embossed, Italian or Portuguese
Italian or Portuguese
ca. 1500–1525
The Witch, Albrecht Dürer  German, Engraving
Albrecht Dürer
ca. 1500
The Wild Man or the Masquerade of Orson and Valentine, Anonymous, Netherlandish, 16th century  Netherlandish, Woodcut
Anonymous, Netherlandish, 16th century
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Dish, Silver-gilt, Portuguese
ca. 1500–1520
Playing Card, with Wild Woman and Unicorn, Master ES  German, Engraving; second state
Master ES
15th century
Candlestick, Jehan Aert van Tricht  Netherlandish, Brass, South Netherlandish
Jehan Aert van Tricht
ca. 1500
Covered Beaker, Hans Greiff  German, Silver, gilded silver, enamel, and glass, German
Hans Greiff
ca. 1470
Ewer with Wildman Finial, Silver gilt, enamel, and paint, German
late 15th century
Wild Woman Holding a Shield with a Lion's Head, Martin Schongauer  German, Engraving
Martin Schongauer
Coat of Arms with a Skull, Albrecht Dürer  German, Engraving
Albrecht Dürer
The Sea Monster (Das Meerwunder), Albrecht Dürer  German, Engraving
Albrecht Dürer
ca. 1498
Battle of the Sea-Gods (right portion of frieze), Andrea Mantegna  Italian, Engraving
Andrea Mantegna
ca. 1485–88

View Citations

Husband, Timothy, and Gloria Gilmore-House. 1980. The Wild Man: Medieval Myth and Symbolism. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.