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Egyptian Art
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Learn about the artist’s trips and infatuation with Egypt.
Fred Wilson
November 22, 2024
South-facing view of The Met exterior steps from the 5th Ave plaza. Sunlight hits the building facade, and the steps bustle with seated and standing visitors.
Behind the scenes at The Met.
July 2, 2024
The artist Lauren Halsey in colorful clothing sitting before her Roof Garden Commission, a giant Egyptian-inspired temple.
Go behind the scenes with artist Lauren Halsey, who discusses the inspiration and making of The Met’s 2023 Roof Garden Commission.
May 10, 2023
The reign of Tutankhamun represents barely ten years (ca. 1336–1327 B.C.) in the three-thousand-year chronicle of ancient Egypt.
Aude Semat
November 4, 2022
When people hear the name Tutankhamun, they usually think of the power and riches of the pharaoh and less of the person who lived over 3,000 years ago or of human acts that happened for his funeral.
Isabel Stünkel
November 4, 2022
Close-up detail of a sheet of tan linen cloth
Suit up as we undress the complex legacy of linen.
August 3, 2022
"I am seeing my reflection on / a museum wall"
Bakar Wilson
June 17, 2022
Detail of an ancient Egyptian limestone statue of Hatshepsut
What does the androgynous depiction of Hatshepsut—and its subsequent destruction—tell us about the role of gender in Ancient Egypt?
Aude Semat and Mona Eltahawy
June 2, 2022
Watch episode ten of Met Stories with Paul Konigsburg and Nikhil Chopra.
Paul Konigsburg and Nikhil Chopra
November 19, 2020
When this film was made a century ago, Cairo was much smaller, and to Western visitors the way of life along the Nile River appeared to resemble that of Pharaonic Egypt.
October 16, 2020