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Go behind the scenes at The Met as curator Alyce Englund and conservator Marijn Manuels explore the history of a slab table from Philadelphia.
November 7, 2024
A person leans over to place a book between the plates of a book press in the foreground at right.
Go behind the scenes at The Met to see the conservation of a 17th-century edition of Vitruvius’s Ten Books on Architecture.
July 18, 2024
Associate Conservator Melina Plottu works on the conservation of purple silk dress
Follow the conservation treatment of Maria Monaci Gallenga’s “Theodosia” tea gown and learn about Gallenga’s unique vision as a textile artist and fashion designer.
Mellissa Huber and Melina Plottu
December 4, 2023
Photo of two women looking at a brown, blue, and red tapestry of a King, woman on left is pointing at the tapestry.
Follow the conservation treatment of “King Arthur” from the “Nine Heroes Tapestries” series, among the oldest in The Met’s collection.
December 13, 2022
A wide shot of a paintings conservator working on three panels from an Italian altarpiece depicting three religious figures on a gold background.
Follow the two-year-long conservation treatment of the Madonna and Child with Saints altarpiece (1454) by Giovanni di Paolo.
Michael Gallagher, Cynthia Moyer, and Evan Read
April 8, 2021
An ornate painting of the Virgin Mary
Follow the conservation treatment of Emblem of Folly, a painting from colonial Cuzco that “shines a light on those communities or artists that have not had the focus before.”
José Luis Lazarte Luna
February 4, 2021
Two watercolors, one depicting two lions savaging a bull and the other depicting a winged three-bodied creature
Starting in 2015, three remarkable watercolors by Emil Gilliéron were studied and conserved, after more than seventy years in storage, to prepare them for the exhibition Watercolors of the Acropolis: Émile Gilliéron in Athens. See how they did it.
June 28, 2019
Conservator Caitlin Mahony consults with Chuna McIntyre, a Yup'ik dancer, on her approach to conserving a Yup'ik mask.
Caitlin Mahony and Chuna McIntyre
February 4, 2019
A conservationist in a gallery setting stitches the tutu on Edgar Degas's sculpture, The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer.
Watch a video about the construction of a new tutu for The Met's cast of Degas's famous sculpture, The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer.
April 6, 2018
Digital Editor Will Fenstermaker takes readers on a tour of the Department of Paper Conservation at The Met.
Will Fenstermaker
December 12, 2017