Symposium—Charting Cubism across Central and Eastern Europe, Part 6

Join Dr. Vojtěch Lahoda as he discusses the remake of Cubism and it’s importance in Central and Eastern Europe.


"Remake of Cubism: Local Possibilities"

Dr. Vojtěch Lahoda, Director, Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Professor of Art History, Charles University, Prague


Charting Cubism across Central and Eastern Europe is presented in collaboration with and supported in part by the Historians of German and Central European Art and Architecture (HGCEA).

Organized by the Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art


Vojtěch Lahoda
Director of the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences

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More in:Lectures & SymposiaLeonard A. Lauder Cubist Collection

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Young Woman with a Water Pitcher, Johannes Vermeer  Dutch, Oil on canvas
Johannes Vermeer
ca. 1662
Woman in a Chemise in an Armchair, Pablo Picasso  Spanish, Oil on canvas
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Paris, late 1913–early 1914
The Absinthe Glass, Pablo Picasso  Spanish, Painted bronze and perforated tin absinthe spoon
Pablo Picasso
Wax original: Paris, spring 1914; Bronze cast: Foundry Florentin Godard, Paris, made to order for Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler by April 16, 1914