"If we reorient our view of history, can we expand the view ahead?" Ned Blackhawk on the Diker Collection
Featured Artworks:
Standing Bear/ Mató Nájin (Minneconjou Lakota/Teton Sioux, 1859–1933). The Battle of the Little Bighorn, ca. 1920. Pencil, ink, and watercolor on muslin, 36 in. x 8 ft. 9 1/2 in. (91.4 x 268 cm). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection of Native American Art, Gift of Valerie-Charles Diker Fund, 2017 (2017.718.2)
Maria Martínez (San Ildefonso, 1881–1980) and Julián Martínez (San Ildefonso, 1885–1943). Black-on-Black Jar, 1919–20. Clay and slip, 11 7/16 x 13 3/4 in. (29 x 35 cm). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of Charles and Valerie Diker, 2016 (2016.738.2)
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Director Kate Farrell
Producer Melissa Bell
Interviewer Christopher Noey
Editor Sarah Cowan
Camera Alex Rappoport, Wayne De La Roche, Dia Felix, Stephanie Wuertz
Jib Operator Kelly Richardson
Lighting Director Ned Hallick
Lighting Assistant Christopher Yurnet, Foster McLaughlin
Production Coordinator Kaelan Burkett
Production Assistant Bryan Martin
Original Music Austin Fisher
Sound Recording and Editing David Raymond
Historian Ned BlackHawk on Native American Artworks
“If we reorient our view of history, can we expand the view ahead?”
Ned Blackhawk
3 min. watch
Ned Blackhawk
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