So That’s How You Make Paint?

What does a cake have in common with an Italian Renaissance painting? The answer may surprise you! Watch to learn about the special properties of egg yolk that make it just as perfect for painting as it is for baking.

What does a cake have in common with an Italian Renaissance painting? The answer may surprise you! Watch to learn about the special properties of egg yolk that make it just as perfect for painting as it is for baking.

#MetKids Microscope is a show about the science behind the art (and the art behind the science!) at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Learn true stories about real discoveries from scientists at the Museum, and do some experiments on your own!

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Chief Digital Officer: Douglas Hegley
Executive Producer: Sarah Wambold
Director/Writer/Producer: Rachel Smith
Producer: Emma Vecchione
Project Manager: Maria Kozanecka
Animation Direction: Lisa LaBracio
Art Direction: Tara Sunil Thomas
Animation + Compositing: Lisa LaBracio
Narrators: Corin Wells, Michael Gallagher
Episode Consultants: Michael Gallagher, Aude Semat, Anna Serotta, Francesca Marzullo
Education Consultants: Darcy-Tell Morales, Merantine Hens
Original Music and Sound Design: Austin Fisher
Sound Mix: Dave Raymond
Production Design: Aurola Wedman Alfaro
Rights and Permissions: Julie Zeftel
Special Thanks: Julie Arslanoglu

Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement, ca. 1440.
Fra Filippo Lippi (Italian, ca. 1406–1469).
Tempera on wood, 25 ¼ x 16 ½ in. (64.1 x 41.9 cm).
Marquand Collection, Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1889 (89.15.19)

All Images © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

MetKids is supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies

© 2023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art

A painting of a Madonna and egg and an illustrated egg artist holding a paint brush flank either side of an open sketch book with colorful test paint swatches labeled bright, grainy, and dull.
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Two circus monkeys appear on stage balancing atop balls, each adorned with a mauve-colored star.
Instead of mixing paint colors on a palette, what happens if we let our eyes do the mixing? Learn about Pointillism and how the artist Georges Seurat used the science of optics to create a whole new way of painting!
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An illustrated brain character waves a magic wand over an open sketchbook page featuring an illustrated rainbow painted with many colorful dots.
Trick your friends with this optical illusion! Create an entire rainbow using only the primary colors — red, yellow, and blue dots.
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