A photo of the artist Ana Mendieta

Remembering Ana Mendieta

Two filmmakers reflect on the pioneering artist, whose feminist thought informed her understanding of the natural world.
GIF of eighties version of Met logo, animated architecture zooming out to reveal computerized Met Fifth Avenue building

Looking Back on a Year of The Met Film Archive

From the Vaults resurfaces selections the Museum’s extensive moving-image archive of over 1,500 film.
A photograph of the pianist Ben Model waving on the stage of a grand theater

On Robert Flaherty’s The Pottery Maker, with Silent-Film Accompanist Ben Model

Take a deeper look at Flaherty’s enigmatic short and learn about the new score by Ben Model.
A black-and-white photograph of the author, Robin Schwalb, standing beside a rewinder at the Thalia Theater in New York City, circa 1978.

A View from the Projection Booth

In the beginning, there was analog—and it was good
A woman examines a film strip

Welcome to The Met Film Archive

Each month in 2020, The Met will release three to four films from the Museum’s extensive moving-image archive.

From the Vaults

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A red countdown starting at the number 5

From the Vaults