"What caught me was this idea that there was a place of imagination that you could explore."
Artist Catherine Opie reflects on the Louis XIV bedroom in this episode of The Artist Project—an online series in which artists respond to works of art in The Met collection.
About the Artist
Catherine Opie, born in 1961, is an American photographer.

Catherine Opie (American, born 1961)
Self-Portrait/Nursing, 2004
Chromogenic print; 40 × 32 in. (101.6 × 78.7 cm). Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members: Ruth Baum, Edythe Broad, Elaine Terner Cooper, Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Harry David, Gail May Engelberg, Shirley Fiterman, Nicki Harris, Dakis Joannou, Rachel Lehmann, Linda Macklowe, Peter Norton, Tonino Perna, Elizabeth Richebourg Rea, Mortimer D.A. Sackler, Simonetta Seragnoli, David Teiger, Ginny Williams, and Elliot K. Wolk, and Sustaining Members: Tiqui Atencio, Linda Fischbach, Beatrice Habermann, and Cargill and Donna MacMillan, 2005 (2005.14). Courtesy of Regen Projects, Los Angeles and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong © Catherine Opie