The Artist Project: James Nares

Artist James Nares reflects on Chinese calligraphy in this episode of The Artist Project.
From March 2015 to June 2016, we invited 120 artists—local, national, and global—to choose individual works of art or galleries that sparked their imaginations. In this online series, artists reflect on what art is, what inspires them from across 5,000 years of art, and in so doing, they reveal the power of a museum and The Met.

"I love that nothing is hidden."

James Nares reflects on Chinese calligraphy in this episode of The Artist Project—an online series in which artists respond to works of art in The Met collection.

About the Artist
James Nares, born in 1953, is a British artist who works in a variety of mediums, including painting, photography, film, and video.

A color video still of a busy urban street with people walking in all different directions

James Nares (British, born London, 1953)

Street, 2011

HD digital video, color, sound, 61 min. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Vital Projects Fund Inc. Gift, through Joyce and Robert Menschel, 2012 (2012.573) © James Nares

James Nares on Chinese calligraphy
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Artist LaToya Ruby Frazier reflects on Gordon Parks's Red Jackson in this episode of The Artist Project.
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Luis Camnitzer on Giovanni Battista Piranesi's etchings
Artist Luis Camnitzer reflects on Giovanni Battista Piranesi's etchings in this episode of The Artist Project.
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Model Calligraphies from the “Hall of Three Rarities” (Sanxitang) and the "Collected Treasures of the Stony Moat” (Shiqu Baoji)

, Various artists, Set of rubbings mounted in thirty-two albums; ink on paper, China
Various artists
second half of 18th century
Stele for Shi Chen, Unidentified artist Chinese, Rubbing mounted in an album of thirty-two leaves; ink on paper, China
Unidentified artist
19th century rubbing; stele dated 169 CE
On the Seventeenth Day, Wang Xizhi  Chinese, Album of thirty leaves; ink on paper, China
Wang Xizhi
13th century rubbing of a 4th century text
Letters to Fang Shiguan, Bada Shanren (Zhu Da)  Chinese, Album of ten leaves; ink on patterned and plain paper, China
Bada Shanren (Zhu Da)
datable to ca. 1688–1705
Yan Family Temple Stele, Yan Zhenqing  Chinese, 20th-century rubbing of a stele dated 780; ink on paper, China
Yan Zhenqing
20th century