Visiting Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion?

You must join the virtual exhibition queue when you arrive. If capacity has been reached for the day, the queue will close early.

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Explore works of art related to sports and athletics.

The Old Ball Game: Shining Stadium Lights on the City's Baseball Heroes

Christopher Gorman, project manager for Marketing and External Affairs, welcomes the start of the Major League Baseball playoffs with a trip to the exhibition The Old Ball Game: New York Baseball, 1887–1977.

Baseball Team Cards from the Jefferson R. Burdick Collection

Collections Management Assistant Erin Florence explores the baseball team cards produced by Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company in 1913.

Joy in Mudville

As the Major League Baseball playoffs get underway, Assistant Museum Librarian Jill Kehoe looks at some of the baseball books in the Watson Library collection.

Decorous and Deadly: Weapons of the Royal Hunt in India

Mellon Curatorial Fellow Rachel Parikh examines some of the weaponry on view in the exhibition The Royal Hunt: Courtly Pursuits in Indian Art.

Elegant and Exact: George Stubbs's
The Anatomy of the Horse

Research Assistant Carol Santoleri explores George Stubbs's groundbreaking 1766 treatise.

A Satirical View of Early Flight: Wiener Werkstätte Postcards by Moriz Jung

Former intern Theresa Ketterer discusses a unique group of picture postcards in the Museum's collection of drawings and prints.
