The Metropolitan Museum of Art Announces
New Membership Program

“Members Count” Program Offers Expanded Benefits Including Complimentary Guest Passes, Exclusive Access to Exhibitions, and Members-Only Museum Hours

(New York, June 16, 2017)—The Metropolitan Museum of Art announced a new Membership program today, with streamlined categories, expanded core benefits, and newly created events and offerings. The new program provides more of the most popular Member benefits—guest passes and exclusive exhibition viewings—and simplifies joining options for new Members. The new program went into effect this week.

“The Met is one of the world’s most important art museums, and we have a thriving Membership community that provides critical support for everything we do, from putting on stunning exhibitions to offering complimentary educational programs for students,” commented Daniel H. Weiss, President and CEO of The Met.

Now when you enter the Great Hall of the Museum you will see the names of new and renewing Members projected on the wall on the day of their visit. “We are so very proud of the Members of this Museum and we want everyone to know how important they are to fulfilling our mission,” said Lisa Krassner, Chief Member and Visitor Services Officer. “Members help us bring life to art and art to lives. Without Members, the Museum would not be able to offer everything it does, and we are very grateful for their support.”

The new program streamlines what had previously been six categories of membership to three main levels: Member with Early Views ($100, or $80 for Members living more than 200 miles from the Museum); Member with Evening Hours ($200); or Member with Opening Nights ($600). All Members can now bring at least one guest to the Museum, enjoy access to exhibitions preview days, receive the Bulletin and What’s On mailings, and receive a 10% discount in The Dining Room at The Met. Members with Evening Hours are granted Membership for up to two adults and two guest passes per visit, invitations to a new series, The Met After Hours, where Members can explore exhibitions and the collection after the Museum is closed, and access to the Balcony Lounge. Benefits for Members with Opening Nights include four guest passes per visit, reciprocal benefits with sixteen museums across the U.S., and evening receptions to celebrate new exhibitions.

Members are currently anticipating events like the upcoming Young Members Party (June 22), and previews for upcoming fall exhibitions such as Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman and Designer (Member preview week starts November 7), and David Hockney (Member preview week starts November 21).

The new program was developed in-house with strategic support from Greenwich Marketing Group.

About The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Met presents over 5,000 years of art from around the world for everyone to experience and enjoy. The Museum lives in three iconic sites in New York City—The Met Fifth Avenue, The Met Breuer, and The Met Cloisters. Millions of people also take part in The Met experience online.

Since it was founded in 1870, The Met has always aspired to be more than a treasury of rare and beautiful objects. Every day, art comes alive in the Museum’s galleries and through its exhibitions and events, revealing both new ideas and unexpected connections across time and across cultures.

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June 16, 2017