Returned to lender The Met accepts temporary loans of art both for short-term exhibitions and for long-term display in its galleries.
Pair of Guéridons
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Returned to lender The Met accepts temporary loans of art both for short-term exhibitions and for long-term display in its galleries.
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Title: Pair of Guéridons
Date: ca. 1670-1680
Culture: German, probably Augsburg
Medium: Copper (silvered, embossed, cast, engraved, chased), iron.
Dimensions: 50 3/8 × 20 1/2 in., 34.6 lb. (128 × 52 cm, 15.7 kg)
Classifications: Furniture, Metalwork-Brass
Credit Line: Esterhazy Privatstiftung, Burg Forchtenstein-Esterházy Schatzkammer