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Showing 772 results for Southeast Asia (Lisu)
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Southeast Asia (Lisu)
mid-20th century
Roman, Asia Minor, Tarsus
1st half of 1st century CE
Southeast Asia
Afghanistan or Central Asia
6th–8th century
Burma (Lisu)
19th century
Burma (Lisu)
19th century
Burma (Lisu)
19th century
Southeast Asia (Sama)
20th century
Southeast Asia (Hmong)
20th century
10th century
China or Southeast Asia
3rd–2nd century B.C
India or Southeast Asia
ca. 300–100 BC
Vietnam (Champa)
ca. first half of the 10th century
second half 7th century
India, Andhra Pradesh
ca. 1st century BCE–1st century CE
Southern Thailand
second half of the 7th century
Southern Cambodia
mid-7th century
India (Bihar)
10th century
Nepal (Kathmandu Valley)
dated August 12, 1105
India (Jammu & Kashmir, ancient kingdom of Kashmir)
9th–10th century
17th century
Central India, Madhya Pradesh
mid-11th century
Indonesia (Java)
9th century
Indonesia (Java)
ca. late 9th century
ca. 15th–16th century
Toba Batak artist
19th–early 20th century
Indonesia (Java)
ca. second half of the 9th–early 10th century
Sumatra or southern Thailand
second half of the 8th century
Nepal (Kathmandu Valley)
11th century
North India (possibly Kausambi, Uttar Pradesh)
2nd century BCE
Southeast Asian
India, Nagarjunakonda Stupa Site 6, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh
late 3rd century CE
Southern Thailand or Sumatra
8th–early 9th century
Cambodia or Vietnam
late 7th–early 8th century
Central Vietnam
ca. 8th century
Southern Cambodia or Vietnam
mid- 7th century
Pakistan (ancient region of Gandhara)
ca. 5th century
Northeast China or southeast Inner Mongolia
8th century BCE
Indian (Tamil Nadu)
ca. first quarter of the 10th century
Chinese, possibly for Southeast Asian market
19th century