Shadow Dance
Joshua Carrion, Malika Felix, Pharoah Ferguson, Justin Gomez, Robert Hansen, George Harding, Christopher Johannes, Jasmine Jones, Sammy Morales-Pineda, Jesus Morante, Brandon Porter, Elmer Romualdo, Uzair Saleemi, Thutmose Scott Clark, Alexi Torres, Alex Trinidad, Brian Tzic, Michael Zhu
Ages 13–18, Ungraded
P.S. 77, District 75, Brooklyn
Art Teacher: Amie Robinson
Jesus: The most challenging part of making Shadow Dance was creating so many frames. There are like thirty frames per second. Luckily, I didn't work alone!
Sammy: My favorite part was creating the Sunprints. We worked together to make good decisions, but when I look at the background I still think, This should go over here, and that should go over there.
Joshua: When you make a stop-motion animation you have to be really careful not to move things out of place. Working on this project made me feel really creative.
Brandon: I was just born with talent—and I love it! Animation was a little more difficult than I thought it would be because it was hard to get the sequencing just right.
Brian: I overcame the challenge of getting it just right by working with the director. It makes me happy to make art.
Christopher: Using communication symbols, Chris indicated that he likes when his teachers take him to museums to see art. Using picture symbols, Chris showed us that directing was the most challenging part.
Justin: Using picture symbols, Justin pointed out that the most challenging part of the project was to communicate, but he worked together with his classmates and had fun.
George: I feel great being an artist. I like seeing different artists in class and at the museum.
Robert: Making the animation took a long time. We made characters and a set. How great it was to watch our completed animation at the museum!