Cubism and the Trompe l’Oeil Tradition

Braun, Emily, and Elizabeth Cowling, with contributions by Claire Le Thomas and Rachel Mustalish
288 pages
251 illustrations
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The age-old tradition of pictorial illusionism known as trompe l’oeil (“deceive the eye”) employs visual tricks that confound the viewer’s perception of reality and fiction, truth and falsehood. This radically new take on Cubism shows how Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris both parodied and paid homage to classic trompe l’oeil themes and motifs. The authors connect Cubist works to trompe l’oeil specialists of earlier centuries by juxtaposing more than one hundred Cubist paintings, drawings, and collages with related compositions by old masters. The informed and engaging texts trace the changing status of trompe l’oeil over the centuries, reveal Braque’s training in artisanal trompe l’oeil techniques as an integral part of his Cubist practice, examine the material used in Gris’s collages, and discuss the previously unstudied trompe l’oeil iconography within Cubist still lifes.

Medley Print: Sot's Paradise, George Bickham, Sr.  British, Etching and engraving, printed in black and red ink
George Bickham, Sr.
Henry Overton
Old Souvenirs, John F. Peto  American, Oil on canvas, American
John F. Peto
ca. 1881–1901
Book and Glass, Juan Gris  Spanish, Collage of cut printed and painted papers, blue paper and tracing paper, with black and blue-green crayon, charcoal and and black oil paint on canvas, mounted to a honeycomb panel
Juan Gris
Paris, spring 1914
The Bottle, Juan Gris  Spanish, Conté crayon, wax crayon, gouache, watercolor, cut-and-pasted newspaper, printed wallpaper (two types), white, brown, and tan wove cut papers; adhered overall onto newspaper, mounted to primed canvas
Juan Gris
Paris, spring–summer 1914
Checkerboard and Playing Cards, Juan Gris  Spanish, Gouache, graphite, and resin on cream-colored wove paper, mounted to paperboard
Juan Gris
Paris, 1915
"Antonius" Violin, Antonio Stradivari  Italian, Maple, spruce, ebony, Italian (Cremona)
Antonio Stradivari
Fruit Dish and Glass, Georges Braque  French, Charcoal and cut-and-pasted printed wallpaper with gouache on white laid paper; subsequently mounted on paperboard
Georges Braque
Sorgues, autumn 1912
Bottle, Glass, and Newspaper, Georges Braque  French, Charcoal and cut-and-pasted newspaper and printed wallpaper on gessoed paperboard (commercial board from mirror backing)
Georges Braque
Paris, early 1914
Bottle, Glass, and Pipe (Violette de Parme), Georges Braque  French, Cut-and-pasted newspaper, painted paper and wallpaper, charcoal, graphite, and gouache on paperboard
Georges Braque
Paris, early 1914
Still Life with a Guitar, Juan Gris  Spanish, Oil on canvas
Juan Gris
Violin and Engraving, Juan Gris  Spanish, Oil, sand, collage on canvas
Juan Gris
Bottle of Rosé Wine, Juan Gris  Spanish, Collage of cut printed and painted papers with black and green crayon, charcoal, white, black and dark green opaque matte paints and selectively applied glaze, mounted on canvas
Juan Gris
Paris, 1914
Cup, Glasses, and Bottle (Le Journal), Juan Gris  Spanish, Conté crayon, gouache, oil, cut-and-pasted newspaper, white laid paper, printed wallpaper (three types), selectively varnished; adhered overall onto a sheet of newspaper, mounted to primed canvas
Juan Gris
Paris, spring–summer 1914
Flowers, Juan Gris  Spanish, Collage of cut printed and painted papers with black crayon, black, blue and white matte opaque paints on canvas, mounted to a honeycomb panel
Juan Gris
Paris, spring–summer 1914
The Musician’s Table, Juan Gris  Spanish, Conté crayon, wax crayon, gouache, cut-and-pasted printed wallpaper, blue and white laid papers, transparentized paper, newspaper, and brown wrapping paper; selectively varnished on canvas
Juan Gris
A Bachelor's Drawer, John Haberle  American, Oil on canvas, American
John Haberle
The Artist's Letter Rack, William Michael Harnett  American, Oil on canvas, American
William Michael Harnett
Still Life—Violin and Music, William Michael Harnett  American, Oil on canvas, American
William Michael Harnett
Still Life with Grapes and a Bird, Antonio Leonelli (Antonio da Crevalcore)  Italian, Oil on canvas
Antonio Leonelli (Antonio da Crevalcore)
ca. 1500–1510
Composition with Violin, Pablo Picasso  Spanish, Cut-and-pasted newspaper, graphite, charcoal, and ink on white laid paper; subsequently mounted to paperboard
Pablo Picasso
Paris, 1912

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Braun, Emily, Elizabeth Cowling, Claire Le Thomas, and Rachel Mustalish. 2022. Cubism and the Trompe l’oeil Tradition. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.