Cultivated Landscapes: Chinese Paintings from the Collection of Marie-Hélène and Guy Weill
This catalogue presents twelve superb works by leading fifteenth- and sixteenth-century artists of the Wu school, centered in the cosmopolitan city of Suzhou, by early Qing loyalist, Orthodox school, and individualist painters of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and by two twentieth-century masters. Richly illustrated and fully documented, each work is analyzed to elucidate its significance within its time, place, and the artist's oeuvre.
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Hearn, Maxwell K., Marie-Hélène Weill, Guy Weill, and Metropolitan Museum of Art, eds. 2002. Cultivated Landscapes: Chinese Paintings from the Collection of Marie-Hélène and Guy Weill; [... Publ. in Conjunction with the Exhibition “Cultivated Landscapes: Reflections of Nature in Chinese Painting with Selections from the Collection of Marie-Hélène and Guy Weill”, Held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, September 10, 2002 - February 9, 2003]. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art [u.a.].