The Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 33 (1998)

"Egyptian Duck Flasks of Blue Anhydrite"

Fay, Biri
26 pages
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Biri Fay

Palette Depicting a Pair of Mud Turtles, Greywacke
ca. 3650–3500 B.C.
Mirror with a Handle in the Shape of a Young Woman, Bronze or copper alloy
ca. 1550–1391 B.C.
Cosmetic Spoon in the Shape of Swimming Woman Holding a Dish, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), steatite
ca. 1390–1352 B.C.
Vase in the Shape of a Mother Monkey with Her Offspring, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), paint
ca. 2289–2255 B.C.
Cosmetic Vessel in the Shape of a Cat, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), copper, quartz crystal, paint
ca. 1990–1900 B.C.
Perfume Vessel in the Shape of Two Trussed Ducks, Anhydrite, eyes inlaid with a porous material inside copper rims
ca. 1580–1550 B.C.
ca. 1850–1700 B.C.
ca. 1850–1700 B.C.
ca. 1700–1550 B.C.
ca. 1850–1800 B.C.
Kohl jar, Anhydrite
ca. 1850–1640 B.C.
Ointment jar and cover, Anhydrite
ca. 1878–1749 B.C.
Bowl, Anhydrite
ca. 1878–1749 B.C.
ca. 1700–1550 B.C.
ca. 1580–1550 B.C.
ca. 1700–1550 B.C.
Ointment Bowl with Two Monkeys in Relief, Anhydrite
ca. 1800–1550 B.C.
ca. 1700–1550 B.C.
Ointment jar in the shape of a baboon, Anhydrite
ca. 1800–1550 B.C.
Ointment vase in the shape of a bolti fish, Anhydrite
ca. 1800–1550 B.C.
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