Egyptian Studies III: Varia Nova

Egyptian Studies III: Varia Nova

Fischer, Henry George
271 pages
152 illustrations
9.25 x 12.25 in
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This volume features fourteen articles on a wide range of subjects in the field of Egyptian studies, including a discussion of the various forms of sixteen different hieroglyphs.

Statuette of a Cloaked Man, Yellow limestone
ca. 1850 B.C.
ca. 2400–2300 B.C.
ca. 2400–2300 B.C.
ca. 2400–2300 B.C.
Coffin of Ukhhotep, son of Hedjpu, Wood (Abies sp. or Cedrus sp.)
ca. 1981–1802 B.C.
Shrine for Anubis fetish (Imiut), Wood, paint
ca. 1919–1885 B.C.
Statuette of a Late Middle Kingdom Queen, Schist
ca. 1825–1750 B.C.
Stela from a Chapel Niche of Anu, Limestone, paint
ca. 1981–1640 B.C.
Stela of Reniseneb, Limestone, paint
ca. 1765–1763 B.C.
Lower half of the figure of the dignitary Anu, Stone
ca. 1802–1640 B.C.
Stela of the Overseer of the Treasurers Isi, Limestone
ca. 1981–1550 B.C.
Chair of Reniseneb, Wood, ebony, ivory
ca. 1450 B.C.
Stela of Aamtju, Limestone, paint
ca. 1550–1504 B.C.
Model boat, Plastered and painted wood, linen
ca. 1981–1802 B.C.
ca. 1580–1479 B.C.

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View Citations

———. 1996b. Varia Nova. Egyptian Studies 3. New York (N.Y.): The metropolitan museum of art.