When the Pyramids Were Built: Egyptian Art of the Old Kingdom

When the Pyramids Were Built: Egyptian Art of the Old Kingdom

Arnold, Dorothea
144 pages
130 illustrations
9 x 13.25 in
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The Old Kingdom (about 2650–2150 B.C.E.) was the first golden age of Egyptian culture, a period that determined the form and character of Egyptian art for centuries to come. From the Third through the Sixth Dynasty, not only were the pyramids built in vast construction efforts, but artists working in an array ofmediums and techniques—stone, wood, precious metals, monumental statuary, reliefs, and wall paintings—created masterpieces that still have the power to move us more than four millennia later.

This splendid volume, published to accompany a landmark exhibition organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Réunion des Musées Nationaux in Paris, and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, brings together 115 Old Kingdom masterworks from museum collections throughout the world. Included are sculptures executed with such an acute observation of musculature and body movement that they brought an unprecedented realism to the rendering of men, women, children, and animals. Several depictions of family groups in particular show the sensitivity with which Old Kingdom artists illuminated human relationships. Individual masterpieces include the monumental statue of Hemiunu, thought to be responsible for the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza; groups representing the Fourth Dynasty king Menkaure with a queen and various deities; and a unique alabaster statuette showing the Sixth Dynasty queen Ankh-nes-meryre II holding her son, the child king Pepi II, in her lap. In addition, there are delicate relief carvings that provide some of the earliest, most joyful artistic representations of daily life, stunning decorative-art pieces (jars, vases, jewelry, even a musical instrument), and a number of rare Old Kingdom wall paintings. The lively text by Dorothea Arnold offers an overview of the history, society, and art of the Old Kingdom and an informative discussion of each of the illustrated works. All of the pieces were newly photographed for the book by Bruce White.

Wall tiles from the funerary apartments of king Djoser, faience
ca. 2630–2611 B.C.
See 09.180.18, limestone, paint
ca. 2575–2551 B.C.
Relief fragment with king Khufu's cattle, Limestone
ca. 2551–2528 B.C.
Relief with a billy goat, Limestone
ca. 2551–2528 B.C.
Fragmentary Face of King Khafre, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster)
ca. 2520–2494 B.C.
Archers, Limestone, paint
ca. 2551–2494 B.C.
Head of a statue of an older man, Limestone, paint
ca. 2550–2460 B.C.
The King's Acquaintances Memi and Sabu, Limestone, paint
ca. 2575–2465 B.C.
Relief with running troops, Limestone, paint
ca. 2465–2458 B.C.
Relief Fragment with a Ship Under Sail, Limestone, paint traces
ca. 2465–2458 B.C.
King Sahure Accompanied by a Divine Figure, Gneiss
ca. 2458–2446 B.C.
Statue of Demedji and Hennutsen, Limestone, paint
ca. 2465–2438 B.C.
Nikare with his Wife and Daughter, Limestone, paint
ca. 2420–2389 B.C. or later
Nursing woman, Limestone, paint traces
ca. 2420–2389 B.C. or later
Tomb Chapel of Raemkai: South Wall, Limestone, paint
ca. 2446–2389 B.C.
Large high-shouldered jar, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster)
ca. 2500–2400 B.C.
Sistrum Inscribed with the Names of King Teti, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), pigment, resin
ca. 2323–2291 B.C.
Statue of Kneeling Captive, Limestone, paint
ca. 2246–2152 B.C.
Vase in the Shape of a Mother Monkey with Her Offspring, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), paint
ca. 2289–2255 B.C.
False door from the tomb of Metjetji, Limestone, paint traces
ca. 2353–2323 B.C.

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