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Sweet Herbs and Sundry Flowers: Medieval Gardens and the Gardens of The Cloisters

Sweet Herbs and Sundry Flowers: Medieval Gardens and the Gardens of The Cloisters

Bayard, Tania
97 pages
6.5 x 9.3 in
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If you have walked through a wood of wild ginger, forget-me-nots, and unfurling ferns, or wandered in a meadow of strawberries, yarrow, and oxeye daisies, you have had the opportunity to admire medieval plants. Sweet Herbs and Sundry Flowers is an introduction to medieval plants and gardening practices by way of the gardens of The Cloisters. In her work as assistant horticulturist at The Cloisters, Tania Bayard has become aware of the many questions visitors ask about medieval gardening. Tania addresses those questions here, providing a list of the plants in The Cloisters' gardens.

The delight in reading Sweet Herbs and Sundry Flowers is the realization that the modern gardener's experience is not unlike that of gardeners one thousand years ago. Then, as now, garden plots were selected for adequate light and water drainage, the soil was prepared in the spring, noxious weeds and stones were removed, the ground was tilled and raked, and cow manure was added for fertilizer. Seeds and young plants were lovingly tended. When the plants were mature, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits were harvested for food, medicines, and various household uses. Following the fall harvest, the ground was readied for winter, and thoughts of spring were always present. How wonderful it is that we share with the medieval gardener the same labors and joys, getting our hands dirty with soil as did the ninth-century monk, Walahfrid Strabo.

Cuxa Cloister, Marble, Catalan
ca. 1130–40
Cloister, Marble, French
late 13th–14th century
Trie Cloister (West Elevation of West Arcade), Marble, French
late 15th century
Saint-Guilhem Cloister, Limestone, French
late 12th–early 13th century
II) Der Ritter vom Turm, von den exenplen der Gotzfurcht und erberkeit., Michael Furter  German, Woodcuts
Multiple artists/makers
1499, 1512, 1513
Johann Prüss the Elder
Giovanni Antonio Bindoni
Pietro Crescensis
July 9, 1519
Registrum huius Operis libri cronicarum cum figuris et ymagibus ab inicio mundi, Hartmann Schedel  German, Woodcut
Multiple artists/makers
July 12, 1493
Multiple artists/makers
October 9, 1505
Bernhard Richel
Robert Rivière & Son
August 31, 1476
Gart der  gesuntheit - Ortus sanitatis (Herbarius), Peter Schöffer the Elder  German, plates: hand colored woodcuts
Peter Schöffer the Elder
Johannes von Cuba
March 28, 1485
Philippe Pigouchet
Simon Vostre
August 22, 1498
Jan Veldeuer
German Almanac, Hans Schönsperger the Elder  German, Woodcuts
Hans Schönsperger the Elder

View Citations

Bayard, Tania. 1997. Sweet Herbs and Sundry Flowers: Medieval Gardens and the Gardens of the Cloisters. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.