The Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 3 (1970)

"The Biron Collection of Venetian Eighteenth-Century Drawings at the Metropolitan Museum"

Byam Shaw, James
24 pages
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James Byam Shaw

Saint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Oil on canvas
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Time Seated, Clutching a Putto, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and dark brown ink, brush with pale and dark brown wash, over black chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Venus Entrusting an Infant to Time, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over black chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Apollo Standing in His Chariot, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush with pale and dark brown wash, over black chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Woman Transported by Three Putti, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush with pale and dark brown wash, over leadpoint or black chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Virtue and Nobility, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over black chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Seated Satyress, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush with pale and dark brown wash, over red chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Scherzo di Fantasia: Seated Warrior Holding a Serpent, and Standing Youth, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and  brown ink, brush with pale and dark brown wash, over black chalk
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Three Dogs, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo  Italian, Black chalk, highlighted with white chalk, on blue paper
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Paolo Veronese (Paolo Caliari)
The Holy Family with Two Female Saints, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and black ink, brush and gray wash, over traces of black chalk. Framing lines in pen and ink. Arched top
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Turkish Lancer and Onlookers Approaching a Town, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and pale brown wash, over black chalk; framing lines by the artist in pen and brown ink
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
The Fire at San Marcuola (recto); Roman Ruins (verso), Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over black chalk (recto); framing lines in pen and brown ink<br/>Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over black chalk; framing lines in pen and brown ink at the left, top and bottom border in graphite at the right border (verso)
Francesco Guardi
The Villa Loredan, near Treviso, Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, touches of white gouache, over black chalk
Francesco Guardi
ca. 1778
The Island of Anconetta (recto); Two Feet Wearing Pointed Shoes (verso), Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush with brown and gray wash, over red chalk (recto); at upper border appear two feet wearing pointed shoes, pricked for transfer and executed in brush and brown, blue, and yellow wash (verso)
Francesco Guardi
Dice Players in a Venetian Square, Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over traces of graphite or lead or black chalk; framing lines in pen and brown ink
Francesco Guardi
Lagoon Capriccio with a Tower, Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and  brown wash, over black chalk
Francesco Guardi
Architectural Capriccio:  A Palace Colonnade, Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over black chalk; framing lines in pen and brown ink
Francesco Guardi
Architectural Capriccio: Garden Entrance to a Palace (recto); Three Masked and Costumed Figures and Other Figure Studies (verso), Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and  brown wash, over black chalk. Framing lines in pen and brown ink (recto); pen and light brown ink for costumed figures; dark brown ink for the other figures; in graphite, drawing of a head in profile (verso)
Francesco Guardi
Design for a Framing Motif, Francesco Guardi  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush with light and dark green watercolor (?), over graphite or lead or black chalk
Francesco Guardi
Showing 20 of 21