The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III

The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III

Lilyquist, Christine, with contributions by James E. Hoch and A. J. Peden
412 pages
679 illustrations
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Abbreviations and Conventions
Collaborators Cited in the Catalogue

Chapter 1. The Tomb Site in the Southwest Wadys (Valleys)

Physical Description
Survey of Human Activity
Tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty
Ramesside (and Later?) Funerary Figures
Non-dated Petroglyphs and the Recording of Graffiti
Graffiti of the Later New Kingdom—Coptic Period, A. J. Peden
Third Intermediate—Ptolemaic Period Finds of Lortet/Gaillard and Carter
Similar Finds
Dating and Significance of Later New Kingdom—Roman Remains
Coptic Remains
Figures 1&ndasdh;15

Chapter 2. Archival and Museum Documentation of Wady Qurud's Tomb 1

Documentation of the Tomb and Its Objects, 1916–48
Documents 1–9
Accounts of the Tomb's Location and Its Objects, 1916–43
Figures 16–27

Chapter 3. Archaeological Excavations at Tomb 1 by the MMA, 1988

Organization and Acknowledgments
The Tomb Site as Found
General Scheme of Excavation
Description of Clearance and Context of Finds (Fig. 28)
Pottery Introduction and Acknowledgments
Overview of the Tuthmoside Pottery
Organization and Conventions of Pottery Registers
New Kingdom Pottery Register (p. 1–p. 102)
Post-New Kingdom Pottery Register (p. 103–p. 108)
Register for Pottery of Uncertain Date (p. 109–p. 113)
Small Finds
Items According to Provenance
Conclusions from 1988 Field Work
Figures 29–85

Chapter 4. Introduction to Catalogue Objects Associated with Tomb 1

History of Non-Excavated Objects
Study of the Non-Excavated Objects, 1918–2001
Description of This Study
Scope (Figs. 86–8)
General Organization
Format and Conventions
Criteria for Placement in the Catalogue Sections
General Comparative Sources
Technical and Formal Indicators of Provenance and Date for the Gold Work (Figs. 89–91)

Chapter 5. Catalogue Part A, Objects Assigned to Tomb 1 (1–165)

Funerary Items
Canopic Jars (1–12)
Ritual Vessels (13–5)
Mummy Fittings (16–43)
Models (?) (44–7)
Vessels and Lids
Ointment Storage Jars and Lids (48–86)
Precious Vessels and Lids (87–99)
Precious Vessels of Undetermined Use (100–5)
Toilet Implements
Mirrors (106–7)
Head Ornaments (108–14; Figs. 92–3)
Various Rosettes (115–28)
Body Ornaments (129–36)
Limb Ornaments (137–50)
Loose Beads (151–61)
Miscellaneous Items (162–3)
Objects of Undetermined Function
Miscellaneous Items (164–5)
Figures 94–193

Chapter 6. Catalogue Part B, Objects Less Surely Linked to Tomb 1 (166–213)

Vessels and Lids
Ointment Storage Jars and Lids (166–73)
Precious Vessels (174–5)
Head Ornaments (176–9)
Body Ornaments (180–7)
Loose Parts (188–212)
Object of Undetermined Function
Miscellaneous Item (213)
Figures 194–219

Chapter 7. Catalogue Part C, Objects of Various Dates (214–324)

Indeterminate Date
Funerary Item (214)
Jewelry (215–7)
Objects of Undetermined Function (218–22)
Pre-Tuthmoside Date
Jewelry (223–5)
New Kingdom and Later Date
Jewelry (226–9)
Modern Date, Including Inscriptions
Introduction (Fig. 220)
Technical and Formal Indicators of Provenance and Date for the Gold Work (Figs. 221–6)
Funerary Items (230–44)
Vessels, Ointment Storage Jar Inscriptions (245–50)
Vessels, Precious Examples (251–71)
Jewelry (272–322; Figs. 227–33)
Objects of Undetermined Function (323–4)
Figures 234–62

Chapter 8. Specific Discussions and Overview
Specific Discussions

The Names of the Foreign Wives (Figs. 263–6), James E. Hoch
The Foreign Wives in Their Historical Period (Figs. 267–8)

Appendix 1. Graffiti in Wadys Sikket Taqet Zaid and Gabbanat El-Qurud

Appendix 2. Analyses of Catalogued Metal Objects
Objects Believed Ancient

Indeterminate Object
Objects Believed Modern

Appendix 3. Analyses of Various Glasses

Appendix 4. Documentation for the Interpretation of Gazelle Diadem

Concordance 1, Past and Current Locations of Objects with Catalogue Numbers
Concordance 2, Catalogue Objects with Past and Current Locations

Works Cited

Illustration Credits

Index 1, General
Index 2, Egyptian Words

ca. 1070–343 B.C
Canopic Jar of Manhata, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Canopic Jar of Manhata, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Canopic Jar of Maruta, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Canopic Jar of Maruta, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Canopic Jar of Maruta, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Canopic Jar of Manuwai, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Canopic Jar of Manuwai, Limestone, blue paste
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Spherical Jar Inscribed with Hatshepsut's Titles as Queen, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster)
ca. 1492–1473 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Piriform Stone Jar, Serpentinite
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Two-Handled Ointment Jar, Crystalline and banded travertine (Egyptian alabaster)
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Amphora of Canaanite shape, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster)
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
Libation Vessel of Manuwai, Silver
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
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View Citations

Lilyquist, Christine, James E. Hoch, and A. J. Peden. 2003. The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.