How to understand a Jackson Pollock painting

"This painting is incredibly honest; Pollock isn't trying to fool us in any way."

"This painting is incredibly honest; Pollock isn't trying to fool us in any way."

Curator Nicholas Cullinan on Jackson Pollock's painting "Number 28, 1950."

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Throughout 2013, The Met invited curators from across the Museum to each talk about one artwork that changed the way they see the world. Each episode is interpreted by a Museum photographer.

Photography by Mark Morosse

Rights & Permissions
Still-photograph composites courtesy of The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, U.S.A., Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY
"Jackson Pollock," Hans Namuth, 1950, Purchase, Funds from various donors and Matching Funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, 1981 (1981.1063). Photograph courtesy of the Center for Creative Photography.

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Number 28, 1950, Jackson Pollock  American, Enamel on canvas
Jackson Pollock