(New York, June 13, 2022)—On September 1, The Metropolitan Museum of Art will welcome 54 fellows to take part in The Met’s 2022–2023 Fellowship Program. Together, this group of 15 senior and 39 junior scholars joins the Museum from 20 countries, including Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, the United States, and Uzbekistan.
Over the course of their twelve-month residencies, these scholars will be given exceptional access to the Museum’s renowned staff, libraries, collections, research facilities, and research laboratories. In addition, they will be given the time and financial support necessary to complete their book manuscripts, doctoral dissertations, scholarly articles, conservation training, analytical experiments, and other academic pursuits. Working across the fields of art history, anthropology, critical theory, philosophy, museum studies, historiography, conservation, and the material sciences, each fellow is paired with a supervisor in their host department with whom they will confer, collaborate, and otherwise take advantage of available Museum resources.
The fellows’ research projects this year comprise a vast array of subjects, including a critical exploration of performativity and shifting notions of gender in 20th-century Korean painting; an examination of the fraught practice of Indigenous history-painting in colonial Mexico; a comprehensive study of Norman Sicilian textiles produced by Arab craftsmen in the medieval Mediterranean world; and an inspired examination of The Met’s diverse collection of bagpipes, among many other pathbreaking studies. In addition, several individuals have been specifically invited to contribute to Museum-directed projects, including comprehensive reinstallations of the Museum’s ancient Near Eastern and Cypriot galleries as well as a major renovation of the Michael C. Rockefeller Wing, focusing on research, digital outreach, and the enhancement of available collection data.
A Met fellowship allows scholars from around the world opportunities to immerse themselves in a curatorial, conservation, education, or scientific research department at the Museum. Drawing on the particular strengths, resources, and expertise of their host departments, fellows use the Museum as a vibrant space for dedicated research, professional development, and the dynamic exchange of ideas. During their yearlong terms, Fellows have unique access to the Museum's inner workings and are fully integrated into the life of The Met.
Additional details about current and former fellows, including their fellowship projects, institutional affiliations, and areas of study, can be found on The Met’s website.
For more information about the fellowship program and how to apply, please visit metmuseum.org/fellowships.
List of Awardees
History of Art and Visual Culture Fellowships
Joseph Ackley
PhD, Art History, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Assistant Professor of Art History, Wesleyan University
J. Clawson Mills Scholarship
Medieval Art and The Cloisters
Hany Ahmed
PhD, Archaeology, Cairo University
Head of the Scientific Office, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship
Egyptian Art
Sabrina Carletti
PhD, Art and Archaeology, Princeton University
Instructional Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
Leonard A. Lauder Fellowship in Modern Art
Leonard A. Lauder Research Center, Department of Modern and Contemporary Art
Aftondil Erkinov
PhD, History and Literature of Central Asia, National University of Uzbekistan
Professor and Lead Researcher, Center for Research of Uzbekistan’s Cultural Wealth
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship
Islamic Art
Elizabeth Melanie Gifford
PhD, Art History, University of Maryland, College Park
J. Clawson Mills Scholarship
Robert Lehman Collection
Stephanie Huber
PhD, Art History, Theory and Criticism, CUNY Graduate Center
Leonard A. Lauder Fellowship in Modern Art
Leonard A. Lauder Research Center, Department of Modern and Contemporary Art
Megan Metcalf
PhD, Art History, University of California, Los Angeles
The Diana A. and Harry A. Stern Fellowship
Live Arts
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowships
Sylvia Cockburn
PhD, Art History, University of East Anglia
Curator of Art, Australian War Memorial
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship
Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
Erhan Tamur
PhD, Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship
Ancient Near Eastern Art
Curatorial Research/Collections Specialist Fellowships
Hugo C. Ikehara Tsukayama
PhD, Anthropological Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh
Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Research/Collections Specialist Fellowship
The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
Conservation Fellowships and Scientific Research Fellowships
Avalon Dismukes
PhD, Chemistry, Columbia University
Annette De la Renta Fellowship
Scientific Research
Omid Oudbashi
PhD, Conservation of Cultural and Historical Properties, Art University of Isfahan
Associate Professor, Art University of Isfahan
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Scientific Research
Atefeh Shekofteh
PhD, Conservation of Cultural and Historical Properties, Art University of Isfahan
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Scientific Research
Ahmed Tarek
MS, Conservation, Cairo University
Head of Human Remains Laboratory & Conservation Specialist, The Grand Egyptian Museum Conservation Center
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Objects Conservation
Interdisciplinary Fellowships
Cassandre Balosso-Bardin
PhD, Music (Ethnomusicology), School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Chester Dale Fellowship
Musical Instruments
History of Art and Visual Culture Fellowships
Danielle Canter
PhD candidate, Art History, University of Delaware
Diamonstein-Spielvogel Fellowship
Drawings and Prints
Federica Carta
PhD candidate, Art History, University of Picardie Jules Verne
The Slifka Foundation Interdisciplinary Fellowship
European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Haely Chang
PhD candidate, Art History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship
Asian Art
Xiao (Joy) Chen
PhD candidate, Art History, University of California, Los Angeles
The Sylvan C. Coleman and Pam Coleman Memorial Fund Fellowship
Asian Art
Louis Copplestone
PhD candidate, History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University
Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship
Asian Art
Olivia Dill
PhD candidate, Art History, Northwestern University
Diamonstein-Spielvogel Interdisciplinary Fellowship
Drawings and Prints
Claire Dillon
PhD candidate, Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
The Sylvan C. Coleman and Pam Coleman Memorial Fund Fellowship
Medieval Art and The Cloisters
Lilien Lisbeth Feledy
PhD candidate, Art History, University of Applied Arts Vienna
The Gerald and Mary Ellen Ritter Memorial Fellowship
The Costume Institute
Daniel González León
PhD candidate, Egyptology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Research Scientist, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship
Egyptian Art
Johnathan Hardy
PhD candidate, Art History, University of Minnesota
Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship
Ancient Near Eastern Art
Joseph Henry
PhD candidate, Art History, Theory and Criticism, CUNY Graduate Center
Diamonstein-Spielvogel Fellowship
Drawings and Prints
Xiao Ju
PhD candidate, Art History, University of Rochester
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship
Modern and Contemporary Art
Adrienn Kácsor
PhD candidate, Art History, Northwestern University
Leonard A. Lauder Fellowship in Modern Art
Leonard A. Lauder Center
Ozge Karagoz
PhD candidate, Art History, Northwestern University
Leonard A. Lauder Fellowship in Modern Art
Leonard A. Lauder Research Center, Department of Modern and Contemporary Art
Clara Ma
PhD candidate, Art and Architectural History, University of Virginia
The Sylvan C. Coleman and Pam Coleman Memorial Fund Fellowship
Asian Art
Caitlin Miller
PhD candidate, Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
Eugene V. Thaw Fellowship for Collections Cataloguing
European Paintings
Najee Olya
PhD candidate, Mediterranean Art and Archaeology, University of Virginia
The Bothmer Fellowship
Greek and Roman Art
Alisa Prince
PhD, Visual and Cultural Studies, University of Rochester
Chester Dale Fellowship
Anna Rigg
PhD, Art History, Victoria University of Wellington
Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship
European Paintings
Samantha Small
PhD candidate, Art History, Theory and Criticism, CUNY Graduate Center
Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship
European Paintings
Jun Yi Wong
PhD candidate, Egyptology, University of Toronto
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship
Egyptian Art
Conservation Fellowships and Scientific Research Fellowships
Aidi Bao
PhD candidate, Art Conservation, University of Delaware/Winterthur Museum
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Objects Conservation
Cornelia Busslehner
MA candidate, Conservation and Restoration of Paper, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Paper Conservation
Kris Cnossen
MS, Art Conservation, University of Delaware
The Gerald and Mary Ellen Ritter Memorial Fellowship
Costume Institute Conservation
Kayla Henry-Griffin
MA, Moving Image Archiving and Preservation, New York University
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Photograph Conservation
Rachel Lackner
PhD candidate, Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Scientific Research
Derek Lintala
MS/MA, Conservation and History of Art and Archaeology, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Paintings Conservation
Celeste Mahoney
MS/MA, Conservation and History of Art and Archaeology, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Sherman Fairchild Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Objects Conservation
Jaya Misra
MA, Fashion and Textiles: History, Theory, Museum Practice, Fashion Institute of Technology
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Fellowship
Textile Conservation
Catherine Stephens
MS/MA, Conservation and History of Art and Archaeology, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Research Scholarship in Photograph Conservation
Photograph Conservation
Interdisciplinary Fellowships
Hannah Cohen
PhD, Art, Film and Visual Studies, Harvard University
Chester Dale Fellowship
Derek Coulombe
PhD, Visual Arts, York University
Chester Dale Fellowship
External Awards Hosted by The Met
Cristina Aldrich
PhD candidate, History of Art and Archaeology, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Marica and Jan Vilcek Curatorial Fellowship
Medieval Art and The Cloisters
Kristin Holder
MA/MS, Art History and Conservation, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Research Scholarship in Paintings Conservation (Getty Panel Painting Initiative)
Paintings Conservation
Francesca Kaes
PhD candidate, History of Art, University of Oxford
Met-Getty Paper Project Curatorial Fellowship
Drawings and Prints
Heba Khairy Metwaly
PhD candidate, Heritage and Museum Studies, Helwan University
Fulbright Egyptian Scholarship
Egyptian Art
Eunhee Lee
MA, Art Studies, Hongik University
Korea Foundation Internship
Asian Art
Martina Lentino
MA, History of Art and Archaeology, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Kress Interpretive Fellowship
Education & ESDA
Sajjad Sharifi
MA, Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University
Research Scholarship
Islamic Art
The Met thanks the following for their generous support of fellowships at the Museum: Mercedes T. Bass, Henry S. Blackwood Memorial Fund, Bothmer Fellowship Fund, Sylvan C. Coleman and Pam Coleman Memorial Fund, Chester Dale Fellowship Fund, Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel and Carl Spielvogel, Douglass Foundation, Sherman Fairchild Foundation, The Getty Foundation, The Hagop Kevorkian Fund, Leonard A. Lauder and Anonymous Gifts to The Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art, Mellon Foundation, J. Clawson Mills Charitable Trust, Gerald and May Ellen Ritter Scholarship Fund, Theodore Rousseau Fellowship Fund, Joseph and Sylvia Slifka Foundation, Diana and Harry Stern Fellowship Fund, Hanns Swarzenski and Brigitte Horney Swarzenski Fellowship Fund, Eugene V. and Clare E. Thaw Charitable Trust, Marica and Jan Vilcek, Polaire Weissman Fund, and Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship Fund.
June 24, 2022