Power struggles in 16th-century Italy were epic. One family crushed it.
What’s art got to do with it?
What becomes a dynasty most?
Cosimo I de’ Medici was just 17 when he became Duke of Florence. The young upstart from a “minor” branch of an elite family was selected by establishment insiders who believed they could control him. But the old guard underestimated Cosimo’s ambition and political savvy, including his instinct for how to promote, solidify, and extend power.
Here, in conjunction with the exhibition The Medici: Portraits and Politics, 1512–1570, we take a closer look at what one young Florentine understood about influence, and the central role that arts and culture played in Renaissance politics. What were the social media channels of Cosimo’s day? This Primer will give you a glimpse of how he and his inner circle leveraged them to promote the Medici brand.

Be bold
Like most people of privilege, Cosimo I de’ Medici wasn’t exactly self made. Members of his wealthy, extended family had ruled Florence in the previous century before being exiled. When Cosimo came to power in 1537, he was determined to restore the Medici name to glory. Savvy and sly, he leveraged the era’s most popular media channel: art.

Leverage the community
Becoming duke was just the beginning of Cosimo’s vision for himself, his family, and his city. He used arts to amplify his profile, and also knew the value of alliances with the cultured elite. Through political maneuvers and arts patronage, he solidified Florence’s position as a great Renaissance capital with his family at the center.

Court intellectual and writer Benedetto Varchi went from exile to accomplice. Previously hostile to Medici rule, he became a key component of the propaganda machine established by Cosimo, promoting Florence as Italy’s cultural hub and the Medicis’ role in the city.
Laura Battiferri was a well-known poet during Medici rule and her first collection of poetry was dedicated to Eleonora. Here, the book is open to sonnets by Petrarch, the early Renaissance poet whose verses celebrated his unrequited love for a woman also named Laura.
The most famous artist of his day was also dangerous: Michelangelo opposed Medici control and chose to live in exile in Rome. Cosmio won the battle when Michelangelo died, transferring the body to Florence as quickly as possible and throwing a next-level funeral.
Come, follow me,— Dante, Purgatorio, Canto V, XIII
and let people talk.
Get lit
In Renaissance Italy, visual arts weren’t the only game in town. Literary arts—in particular, poetry—held an influential role in asserting social status and swaying politics. Poems were tacked onto walls and sculptures, copied and exchanged, memorized, read out loud, and debated. In Cosimo’s world, poets were rockstars.

Think global, act local
By the time he was 50, Cosimo I de’ Medici had ascended from duke of Florence to grand duke of Tuscany. But fame can be fleeting, even for influencers. What about the long game? Once again, he turned to art. The Grand Duke understood the power of investing in lasting monuments to ensure that his name—and that of his family—lived on.

Florence or bust
In Florence, busts of Cosimo sat above the entrances to important families’ palaces and major public buildings. In this example, created shortly after Cosimo became grand duke of Tuscany, he’s shown as a Roman emperor, suggesting the timelessness of his authority.
The currency of fame
These medals are from a series celebrating Cosimo’s architectural patronage in Florence. More than 400 years later, his many public commissions are still among the most visited landmarks in Europe, if not the world.
Succession plan
Cosimo abdicated in favor of his son Francesco in 1564 to concentrate on consolidating the Tuscan state and obtaining the title of grand duke. This picture of Francesco in armor conveys the same sense of authority as those of Cosimo in his earlier years.
… Any pleasure in the world is a brief dream.— Petrarch, Il Canzoniere, Sonnet XV
So extra
Cosimo was still alive and in power when this engraving was commissioned. Having transferred active rule to his son Francesco, thereby ensuring the family’s continued position, he could spend his “golden years” (a.k.a. his 40s) reflecting on his success. It must have been that much sweeter remembering all the haters.
How many emperors and how many princes have lived and died and no record of them remains, and they only sought to gain dominions and riches in order that their fame might be ever-lasting.— Leonardo da Vinci

Life is short, art is long
Although—or perhaps because—he was young, Cosimo I de’ Medici’s unparalleled understanding of how to leverage influence allowed him to develop and secure his family’s power. Indeed, his descendants ruled Florence through 1737, 200 years after he first became duke. And while Cosimo’s military and political acumen played central roles in his ascent, his lifelong patronage of the arts made him synonymous with the Medici name and ensured his legacy for five centuries and counting.
Before you launch your own career as an influencer, come see the works of art featured in this Primer—and many more—in person. The Medici: Portraits and Politics, 1512–1570, on view at The Met June 26 through October 11, 2021, offers a rare opportunity to experience the power of these stunning portraits in person.
Listen to the Exhibition Podcast:
Need more Medici in your life? Our related podcast features Costume designer Alessandro Lai, head of the School of Historical Dress Jenny Tiramani, contemporary portraitist Bisa Butler, and Renaissance scholars, Linda Wolk-Simon and Victoria Kirkham discussing the power of Renaissance portraiture and its lasting influence, narrated by Edoardo Ballerini. Listen for free on our website and on Spotify.
Plan Your Visit
Exhibition Details
Dates June 26 – October 11, 2021
The Met Fifth Avenue 1000 5th Ave, New York City
The Medici: Portraits and Politics, 1512–1570 Gallery 999

Image and Quote Credits
Primer made possible by Barbara A. Wolfe.
Supported by
and the Director's Fund.
© 2021 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lead corporate sponsorship for the exhibition The Medici: Portraits and Politics, 1512–1570 is provided by
Major support is provided by David S. Winter.
Additional funding is provided by the Sherman Fairchild Foundation, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Alice Cary Brown and W.L. Lyons Brown, the Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund, Laura and John Arnold, the Diane Carol Brandt Fund, the Hata International Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomilson Hill, Denise and Andrew Saul, and The International Council of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.