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13,353 results for horses

Image for Horse Armor in Europe

Horse Armor in Europe

March 1, 2010

By Dirk H. Breiding

Mankind has used animals such as onagers (wild donkeys), horses, camels, elephants, and dogs in conflicts for thousands of years, but no other animal has been employed so widely and continuously and was at times so comprehensively protected as the horse.
Image for Shaffron and Sultanate: Horse Armor for Indo-Islamic Royalty

Shaffron and Sultanate: Horse Armor for Indo-Islamic Royalty

January 15, 2015

By Rachel Parikh

Mellon Curatorial Fellow Rachel Parikh examines a shaffron (a piece of armor for a horse's head) potentially used by Indo-Islamic royalty.
Image for _Connections_: Heroes

Connections: Heroes

June 27, 2011
Security manager Jose Rivero contemplates the different types of hero archetypes, from comic book super heroes to religious figures.
Image for Alice Cordelia Morse (1863–1961)

Alice Cordelia Morse (1863–1961)

May 1, 2009

By Mindell Dubansky

Morse enjoyed working in many styles, while constantly adapting her designs both to complement each book’s theme and appeal to the widest audience.
Image for Elegant and Exact: George Stubbs's <br />*The Anatomy of the Horse*

Elegant and Exact: George Stubbs's
The Anatomy of the Horse

July 16, 2015

By Carol Santoleri

Research Assistant Carol Santoleri explores George Stubbs's groundbreaking 1766 treatise.
Image for Heroes in Italian Mythological Prints

Heroes in Italian Mythological Prints

October 1, 2004

By Wendy Thompson

Just as the emperor Augustus had claimed descent from Aeneas, a son of Venus, so many Italian princes traced their ancestry to the participants in the Trojan War or sought to equate their own accomplishments with the deeds of these heroes.
Image for Do Gods Sleep? Ancient Maya Deity Houses at Copán, Honduras
Assistant Curator James Doyle explores a house form on view in Design for Eternity: Architectural Models from the Ancient Americas thought to have served as a temporary dwelling for gods and goddesses in the human world.
Image for The Portraits of Volker Hermes

The Portraits of Volker Hermes

June 30, 2023

By Christopher Alessandrini

The artist behind a series of popular photocollages discusses the signs and symbols of portraiture.
Image for Two horses

Charles Ray (American, born Chicago, Illinois, 1953)

Date: 2019
Accession Number: 2019.556

Image for Horses


Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola) (Italian, Parma 1503–1540 Casalmaggiore)

Date: 1530–40
Accession Number: 80.3.318

Image for Horses


attributed to Francesco Allegrini (Italian, Cantiano (?) 1615/20–after 1679 Gubbio (?))

Date: 1624–63
Accession Number: 80.3.317

Image for Horses


attributed to Francesco Allegrini (Italian, Cantiano (?) 1615/20–after 1679 Gubbio (?))

Date: 1624–63
Accession Number: 80.3.312

Image for Horses


attributed to Francesco Allegrini (Italian, Cantiano (?) 1615/20–after 1679 Gubbio (?))

Date: 1624–63
Accession Number: 80.3.316

Image for Horses


Malcolm Morley (American (born England) London 1931–2018 New York)

Date: 1982
Accession Number: 2003.433.66

Image for Horses


Doug and Mike Starn (American, born Abesecon, New Jersey, 1961)

Date: 1985–86
Accession Number: 1991.1324

Image for Horses


Paul-Albert Besnard (French, Paris 1849–1934 Paris)

Date: 1894
Accession Number: 67.187.54

Image for Panel with Horse Heads

Date: 11th century
Accession Number: 11.205.2

Image for Terracotta amphora (jar)

Attributed to The Horse-Head Amphorae

Date: ca. 600 BCE
Accession Number: 22.139.7