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6,080 results for online publications

Image for The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Publications 2024
This catalogue, published annually by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, announces the Museum's publications for that year. It also features notable backlist titles and provides a complete list of books available in print at the time of publication.
Image for The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Publications 2020
This catalogue, published annually by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, announces the Museum's publications for that year. It also features notable backlist titles and provide a complete list of books available in print at the time of publication.
Image for The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Publications 2021
This catalogue, published annually by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, announces the Museum's publications for that year. It also features notable backlist titles and provide a complete list of books available in print at the time of publication.
Image for The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Publications 2022
This catalogue, published annually by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, announces the Museum's publications for that year. It also features notable backlist titles and provide a complete list of books available in print at the time of publication.
Image for Featured Publication—*The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Stone Sculpture*
Editorial Assistant Rachel High speaks with Antoine Hermary and Joan Mertens, authors of the recently published catalogue The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Stone Sculpture, about the publication and the collection that inspired it.
Image for The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Publications 2023
This catalogue, published annually by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, announces the Museum's publications for that year. It also features notable backlist titles and provides a complete list of books available in print at the time of publication.
Image for Artists' Publications Study Collection

Artists' Publications Study Collection

August 5, 2020

By Tony White

Florence and Herbert Irving Associate Chief Librarian Tony White discusses Watson Library's growing collection of artists' books.
Image for Met Launches First Interactive E-publication
This month, the Museum launched its first iPad app interactive e-publication for the exhibition Poetry in Clay: Korean Buncheong Ceramics from Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art.
Image for Who Are the Users of The Met's Online Collection?

Who Are the Users of The Met's Online Collection?

December 14, 2017

By Elena Villaespesa

Digital Analyst Elena Villaespesa takes a deep dive to identify the different types of visitors who explore The Met's online collection, and explains how this data informs what the Museum is doing to enrich the website's user experience.
Image for The Met's Online Community Responds to McQueen

The Met's Online Community Responds to McQueen

August 3, 2011

By Lucy Redoglia

At the Met, we're always eager to hear from our online community through our various social media channels. Whether it's a comment about the Featured Artwork of the Day on our Facebook page, a question posed on Twitter, or a photograph posted to our Flickr group pool, our online visitors' responses are thoughtful and varied, and we enjoy reading and responding to them.
Image for Elephant Tail Beater

Date: early 20th century
Accession Number: 06.1246

Learn about the Museum departments and areas that often host undergraduate and graduate interns.

Image for Pair of Lions with Attendant

Date: 3rd–5th century
Accession Number: 2015.500.4.2, .3

Image for Seated Falconer

Date: mid-to-late 6th century
Accession Number: 2015.500.7.6

Image for Seated Falconer

Date: mid-to-late 6th century
Accession Number: 2015.500.7.7

Image for Camel and Rider

Date: mid-to-late 6th century
Accession Number: 2015.500.7.5

Image for Female attendant

Date: mid-7th century
Accession Number: 2015.500.7.3

Image for Female attendant

Date: mid-7th century
Accession Number: 2015.500.7.4

Image for The Death of the Buddha (Parinirvana)

Date: ca. 3rd century
Accession Number: 2015.500.4.1