Plate 6, from "Desseins de Brasiers dont les Ornements peuuent Seruir aux Cuuettes, Tables, et autres Ouurages d'Orfeurerie"

Alexis Loir French
Publisher Pierre Mariette le fils French

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Plate 6 of a series of designs for braziers, tables and other silverware works. The main design on the left side is supported by a male half figure. The other brazier design on the same side features a goat's head. On the right side, the main design features a winged putto. The other designs on that side feature a dragon, upper design, and a vegetal mask over a contorted leg, lower design. Finally, there are grotesque masks on the left side, a mask and a bucrane on the right side.

Plate 6, from "Desseins de Brasiers dont les Ornements peuuent Seruir aux Cuuettes, Tables, et autres Ouurages d'Orfeurerie", Alexis Loir (French, 1640–1713), Etching

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