Giardineto novo di punti tagliati et gropposi per exercitio & ornamento delle donne (Venice 1554), page 3 (recto)
Publisher Matteo Pagano Italian
Binder Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd British
Not on view
Published by Matteo Pagano, Italian, 1515-1588, bound by Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd, British, active London after 1821.
From top to bottom, and left to right:
Design composed of 5 vertical columns, each of which is 3 lines wide, printed upon a grid. First column is decorated with alternating pattern of black diamonds and black 'X's, which are formed by a series of black triangles. Second column is decorated with a zigzagging line of black triangles. Third column is decorated with a hexagonal pattern of black triangles connected together by a vertical line formed by black triangles. Fourth column is decorated with a pattern of large black triangles formed by smaller ones that are ornamented with a white circular pattern. Fifth column is decorated with a pattern of black triangles forming 4-petaled flowers.
This artwork is meant to be viewed from right to left. Scroll left to view more.