Temple de Vesta, from Les Plus Beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne ou Recueil des plus beaux Morceaux de l'Antiquité Romaine qui existent encore
Not on view
Plate 11, View of the Temple of Hercules Victory (misidentified as Temple of Vesta) in the Forum Boarium, with the Temple of Portunus (or Temple of Fortuna Virilis) and Casa dei Crescenzi (or Casa di Rienzi) in the background. Below this plate is a smaller image titled "Bas relief Antique qui represente une nouvelle Epouse avec une Parfumeuse qui lui oint les pieds." Instead of facing a page of text, as is the case with most plate leaves in the volume, these two plates face the verso of plate 10 (a full-page plate with Restes du Portique du Temple de Jupiter Stator). The text on page 14 (facing plate 10) begins the description of the Temple of Hercules Victory, which was frequently misidentified (as it is here) as the Temple of Vesta, due to its circular plan. This portion of text continues until the top of page 16 and is followed by a brief section titled "Le Temple de la Fortune Virile," describing the Temple of Portunus..