Multiple baskets
Not on view
The Gothelf-Juster Basket Collection represents intergenerational artistry and technical expertise of diverse Native American, Alaskan Native, and First Nations artists and their distinct basketmaking technologies. The collection features fifteen handmade containers from ten sovereign culturally and regionally diverse Indigenous Nations: Achomawi, Attu, Cahuilla, Hupa, Makah, Nuu-chah-nulth, Pima, Shoshone, Tlingit, and Tsimshian. The collection represents multiple building techniques—twining, coiling, plaiting, open weaving, and sewing as well as embroidery and dying. Regional natural environmental materials include bear grass, beach grass, cedar bark, cedar root, devil’s claw, hazel shoots, juncus, maiden-hair fern, rye grass, sumac, spruce root, willow, and yucca root, among others. All of these organic materials speak to environmental shifts, art economies, as well as intergenerational and creative practices, including istinct weaving styles, patterns, and pictorial designs and materials that are gathered seasonally and processed by hand.