Portfolio of twenty prints published to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Emiliano Zapata
Not on view
The portfolio comprises 20 prints by 16 artists. The prints are loose and numbered. There is a preliminary page that lists the works and a brief explanation by Jesus Alvarez Amaya (coordinator at the TGP). The 16 artists are as follows: Ángel Bracho, Arturo García Bustos, Daniel Teiss, Francisco Luna, Gabriel Fernandez Ledesma, Erasto Córtes Juarez, Ignacio Aguirre, Jesús Álvarez Amaya, José Guadalupe Posada, Leopoldo Méndez, Luis Arenal, Lorenzo Guerrero, Mariana Yampolsky, Manuel Pérez Coronado, Roberto H. Malfavon, and Salvador Romero.