20th-Century Art: A Resource for Educators

Paul, Stella
9 x 11 in
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How to Use This Resource
A Note to Educators
Student Goals
Some General Thoughts about 20th-century Art for Discussion

Works in the Museum's Collection
Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein
Pablo Picasso, Still Life with Pipes
Henri Matisse, Nasturtiums with "Dance
Wassily Kandinsky, The Garden of Love (Improvisation Number 27)
Giorgio de Chirico, Ariadne
Marsden Hartley, Portrait of a German Officer
Fernand Léger, Woman with a Cat
Paul Klee, Cold City
Piet Mondrian, Composition
Constantin Brancusi, Bird in Space
Joan Miró, Animated Landscape
Charles Demuth, The Figure Five in Gold
Georgia O'Keeffe, Red, White, and Blue
Grant Wood, The Ride of Paul Revere
Stuart Davis, Report from Rockport
Willem de Kooning, Woman
Arshile Gorky, Water of the Flowery Mill
Alberto Giacometti, Three Men Walking II
Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)
David Smith, Tanktotem, II
Edward Hopper, Office in a Small City
Jasper Johns, White Flag
Mark Rothko, No. 13 (White, Red on Yellow)
Romare Bearden, The Block
James Rosenquist, House of Fire
Red Grooms, Chance Encounter at 3 A.M.
Andy Warhol, Last Self-Portrait
Isamu Noguchi, Water Stone
Chuck Close, Lucas
Anselm Kiefer, Bohemia Lies by the Sea

Artists' Writings: A Selection of Primary Sources
Poems Related to Specific Paintings Included in This Resource
A Very Selective Glance at Some Key Historical Events That Have Shaped Our Period
Selected Sources for Further Information

Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso  Spanish, Oil on canvas
Pablo Picasso
Pipe Rack and Still Life on a Table, Pablo Picasso  Spanish, Oil and charcoal on canvas
Pablo Picasso
Nasturtiums with the Painting "Dance" I, Henri Matisse  French, Oil on canvas
Henri Matisse
Improvisation 27 (Garden of Love II), Vasily Kandinsky  French, born Russia, Oil on canvas
Vasily Kandinsky
Ariadne, Giorgio de Chirico  Italian, born Greece, Oil and graphite on canvas
Giorgio de Chirico
Portrait of a German Officer, Marsden Hartley  American, Oil on canvas
Marsden Hartley
Military Symbols 1, Marsden Hartley  American, Charcoal on paper
Marsden Hartley
Military Symbols 3, Marsden Hartley  American, Charcoal on paper
Marsden Hartley
Woman with a Cat, Fernand Léger  French, Oil on canvas
Fernand Léger
Cold City, Paul Klee  German, born Switzerland, Watercolor on paper mounted on maroon paper mounted on cardboard
Paul Klee
Composition, Piet Mondrian  Dutch, Oil on canvas
Piet Mondrian
Bird in Space, Constantin Brancusi  French, born Romania, Marble
Constantin Brancusi
Animated Landscape, Joan Miró  Spanish, Oil on canvas
Joan Miró
I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold, Charles Demuth  American, Oil, graphite, ink, and gold leaf on paperboard (Upson board)
Charles Demuth
Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue, Georgia O'Keeffe  American, Oil on canvas
Georgia O'Keeffe
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Grant Wood  American, Oil on Masonite
Grant Wood
Report from Rockport, Stuart Davis  American, Oil on canvas
Stuart Davis
Woman, Willem de Kooning  American, born The Netherlands, Oil and charcoal on canvas
Willem de Kooning
Water of the Flowery Mill, Arshile Gorky  American, born Armenia, Oil on canvas
Arshile Gorky
Three Men Walking II, Alberto Giacometti  Swiss, Bronze
Alberto Giacometti
Showing 20 of 33

View Citations

Paul, Stella. 1999. Twentieth-Century Art: A Resource for Educators : The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.