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Medieval Monuments at The Cloisters as They Were and as They Are

Medieval Monuments at The Cloisters as They Were and as They Are

Rorimer, James J.
84 pages
103 illustrations
8.5 x 11 in
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Introduction to the First Edition

The Cuxa Cloister

The Saint-Guilhem Cloister

The Bonnefont Cloister

The Trie Cloister

The Chapter House from Pontaut

The Doorway from Moutiers-Saint-Jean

The Doorway from Reugny

The Ciborium from Santo Stefano

Elements from the Choir of the Church of Notre-Dame-du-Bourg at


The Apse from San Martin de Fuentiduena

The Fresco from San Juan de Tredos

The Frescoes from San Pedro de Arlanza

The Adoration Group from Cerezo de Riotiron

The Doorway from San Leonardo al Frigido

The Annunciation from the Pulpit of San Piero Scheraggio

The Effigy of Jean d'Alluye

The Tombs of the Counts of Urgel

The Virgin from the Choir Screen of Strasbourg Cathedral

The Stained-Glass Window from the Carmelite Church at Boppard

The Abbeville Woodwork

The Sens Windows and the Froville Arcade

Cuxa Cloister, Marble, Catalan
ca. 1130–40
Saint-Guilhem Cloister, Limestone, French
late 12th–early 13th century
Cloister, Marble, French
late 13th–14th century
Column Shaft from the Trie Cloister, Stone, French
Late 13th or early 14th century
Double Capital, Marble, French
late 15th century
Chapter House from Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut, Limestone, French
12th century
Doorway from Moutiers-Saint-Jean, White oolitic limestone with traces of paint, French
ca. 1250
King Clovis I, Limestone with traces of paint, French
ca. 1250
King Clothar I, Limestone, originally polychromed., French
ca. 1250
Doorway from Notre-Dame at Reugny, Limestone, French
late 12th century
Ciborium, Nicolaus Ranucius (Ranierius) and His Sons, Johannes and Guittone, Marble (Lunense) from Carrera with hardstone and gold glass inlay, Italian
Nicolaus Ranucius (Ranierius) and His Sons, Johannes and Guittone
ca. 1150
Chapel from Notre-Dame-du-Bourg at Langon, Limestone, French
after 1126
The Virgin and Child in Majesty and the Adoration of the Magi, Master of Pedret  Spanish, Fresco transferred to canvas, Catalan
Master of Pedret
ca. 1100
Lion, Fresco, mounted on canvas, Spanish
after 1200
Dragon, Fresco, mounted on canvas, Spanish
after 1200
Portal from the Church of San Leonardo al Frigido, Biduinus  Italian, Marble (Carrara marble), Italian
ca. 1175
Relief with the Annunciation, Carrara marble inlaid with serpentine (verde di Prato), Italian
ca. 1180–1200
A Knight of the d'Aluye Family, Limestone, French
after 1248–by 1267
Tomb of Ermengol VII, Count of Urgell, Limestone, traces of paint, Catalan
ca. 1300–1350
Double Tomb of Don Àlvar Rodrigo de Cabrera, Count of Urgell and His Wife Cecília of Foix, Limestone, traces of paint, Catalan
ca. 1300–1350
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