American Sculpture at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
Arms and Armor—Common Misconceptions and Frequently Asked Questions
The Art of Ivory and Gold in Northern Europe around 1000 A.D.
The Art, Form, and Function of Gilt Bronze in the French Interior
Art and Identity in the British North American Colonies, 1700–1776
Bashford Dean and the Development of Helmets and Body Armor during World War I
Blackwork: A New Technique in the Field of Ornament Prints (ca. 1585–1635)
Direct versus Indirect Casting of Small Bronzes in the Italian Renaissance
Exchange of Art and Ideas: The Benin, Owo, and Ijebu Kingdoms
Extravagant Monstrosities: Gold- and Silversmith Designs in the Auricular Style
French Decorative Arts during the Reign of Louis XIV (1654–1715)
Glass Ornaments in Late Antiquity and Early Islam (ca. 500–1000)
The Golden Age of French Furniture in the Eighteenth Century
Henry Kirke Brown (1814–1886), John Quincy Adams Ward (1830–1910), and Realism in American Sculpture
The Materials and Techniques of American Quilts and Coverlets
The Materials and Techniques of English Embroidery of the Late Tudor and Stuart Eras
The Middle Babylonian / Kassite Period (ca. 1595–1155 B.C.) in Mesopotamia
Phrygia, Gordion, and King Midas in the Late Eighth Century B.C.
The Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III, Dahshur: Queens and Princesses
Venice’s Principal Muslim Trading Partners: The Mamluks, the Ottomans, and the Safavids
Women Leaders in African History: Dona Beatriz, Kongo Prophet
Women Leaders in African History: Idia, First Queen Mother of Benin