Glass aryballos (perfume bottle)
Translucent cobalt blue, with same color handles; trails in opaque turquoise blue and opaque yellow.
Broad inward-sloping oval rim-disk with radiating tooling marks on upper surface; cylindrical neck; almost horizontal shoulder; almost spherical body; convex, slightly pointed bottom; two ring handles with knobbed tails, applied over trail decoration, extend from shoulder to neck .
A turquoise blue trail applied to outer edge of rim-disk; a broad yellow trail applied on upper body and wound down in spiral, at first in horizontal lines, then tooled into a close-set zigzag pattern around central section of body, formed by uneven vertical tooling indents; a second trail in turquoise blue added to zigzag, mingling with the yellow trail; below, a yellow trail and two turquoise blue trails wound horizontally once round body.
Intact; dulling, pitting, and whitish iridescent weathering.
Blue pomiform aryballos with green, yellow, and white lines and zigzags.