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Title:Bowl Base with a Marriage Scene
Date:4th–5th century
Culture:Roman or Byzantine
Medium:Glass, gold leaf
Dimensions:Overall: 3 5/16 x 3/16 in. (8.4 x 0.5 cm)
Classification:Glass-Gold glass
Credit Line:Rogers Fund, 1915
Object Number:15.168
Museo Kircheriano, Rome; [ Giorgio Sangiorgi (Italian), Rome (through John Marshall (sold 1915))]
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Ficoroni, Francesco, and Niccolò Galeotti. Gemmæ Antiquæ Litteratæ, Aliæquæ Rariores. Rome: Venanzio Monaldini, 1858. pp. 103–104, pl. XI, 1.
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Garrucci, Raffaele. Storia della Arte Cristiana nei Primi Otto Secoli della Chiesal: Volume 3, Pitture non cimiteriali. Vol. 3. Prato: G. Guasti, 1876. p. 178, pl. 195, no. 11.
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Vopel, Hermann. Die altchristlichen Goldgläser: ein Beitrag zur altchristlichen Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte. Archäologische Studien zum christlichen Altertum und Mittelalter, Vol. 5. Freiburg: J.C.B. Mohr, 1899. pp. 8, 45, 81–83.
Richter, Gisela M. A. "Department of Classical Art Accessions of 1915." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, o.s., 11, no. 6 (June 1916). pp. 128–29.
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Avery, C. Louise. "Early Christian Gold Glass." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, o.s., 16, no. 8 (August 1921). p. 173.
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Knudsen-Morgan, Sandra. "The Age of Spirituality." Apollo 107, no. 191 (January 1978). pp. 14, 16, fig. 11.
Weitzmann, Kurt, ed. Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979. no. 261, pp. 282–83.
Valdez del Álamo, Elizabeth. "Triumphal Visions and Monastic Devotion: The Annunciation Relief of Santo Domingo de Silos." Gesta 29, no. 2 (1990). pp. 171–72, 173, fig. 11.
Lyon, Christopher. Couples in Art: Artworks from The Metropolitan Museum of Art selected by Colin Eisler in collaboration with Caroline Kelly. Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 2011. p. 97.
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Zanker, Paul, Seán Hemingway, Christopher S. Lightfoot, and Joan R. Mertens. Roman Art : A Guide through the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Collection. New York: Scala Publishers, 2019. pp. 206–7, fig. fig. 97.
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