Marshal Soult (1769–1851)
Medalist: Pierre Jean David d'Angers French
Founder Eck et Durand
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Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult (1769–1851), Duke of Dalmatie, Minister of War under Louis XVIII, after Napoléon’s return from Elba, turned himself into a Bonapartist. He was made a peer of France and acted as major-general to the Emperor in the Waterloo campaign. He was appointed Marshal of France in 1820. After the 1830 Revolution, as a supporter of Louis Philippe, Soult served as Minister of War from 1830 to 1834, as Prime Minister from 1832 to 1834 and Ambassador Extraordinary to London for the Coronation of Queen Victoria in 1838.
The medal is a commanding example of David’s skills as a portraitist. The frown on the forehead and the prominent cheekbones convey the sitter’s authority and the decorations of the uniform show David’s talent at representing the finest details.
[James David Draper, 2013]
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