Untitled (Remnant from 18 Happenings in 6 Parts)
Robert Rauschenberg American
Jasper Johns American
Allan Kaprow American
Not on view
Samaras participated in many of the most important Happenings, radical theatrical events produced by artists such as Allan Kaprow, Robert Whitman, and Claes Oldenburg. He performed in Kaprow’s best-known Happening, 18 Happenings in 6 Parts, which took place at the Reuben Gallery in New York’s East Village and included Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg. Following Kaprow’s instructions, Johns painted one side of the cloth with stripes, and Rauschenberg covered the opposite side in circles, using a can dipped in paint. Samaras, who rescued this ephemeral work, later recalled, "Being in a Happening was like being in something that had never existed before."
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