On loan to The Met The Met accepts temporary loans of art both for short-term exhibitions and for long-term display in its galleries.
"Art Is Love"
Design House House of Moschino Italian
Designer Franco Moschino Italian
Secondary Line Moschino Cheap and Chic Italian
Not on view
Self-described “fashion philosopher” and “half tailor and half artist,” Franco Moschino eschewed the traditional labels associated with his trade just as regularly as he parodied the industry he worked in. During the ten years that he designed under his trademark, he consistently subverted fashion from every angle, yet always with an abundance of humor and affection. Among his favorite targets were heritage brands, including Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and, as seen here, Yves Saint Laurent. In channeling YSL’s much-loved collection from autumn/winter 1965, Moschino appropriates the very act of appropriation, claiming his French peer’s homage as his own in a meta-sampling of Piet Mondrian’s modernist work. These provocations helped underscore the complexities and ambiguity of creative ownership within art and design, while Moschino’s tailoring skills always anchored his garments in practicality and functionalism. Although his regular crusades against the fashion system were best observed through a winking eye, he was a sincere and dedicated activist throughout his life, inventively and persuasively championing causes such as environmentalism, AIDS research, and animal rights through his clothing and creative ad campaigns.
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