the artist, Woodstock, N. Y. (1977–d. 1980); his widow, Musa Guston, Woodstock, N. Y. (1980–d. 1992); their daughter, Musa Guston Mayer, New York (from 1992; her promised gift to MMA)
Dublin. Royal Hibernian Academy. "I Not I: Samuel Beckett, Philip Guston, Bruce Nauman," March 24–May 1, 2006, unnumbered cat. (p. 36; lent by a private collection).
Melbourne. National Gallery of Victoria. "Philip Guston: The Late Works," August 18–September 16, 1984, no. 24 (lent by David McKee Gallery, New York).
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth. "Philip Guston: The Late Works," September 27–October 28, 1984, no. 24.
Sydney. Art Gallery of New South Wales. "Philip Guston: The Late Works," November 8–December 30, 1984, no. 24.
Madrid. Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. "Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura," March 1–May 8, 1989, no. 54 (lent by a private collection, New York).
Barcelona. Palau de la Virreina. "Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura," May 25–July 16, 1989, no. 54.
Saint Louis Art Museum. "Philip Guston: 50 Years of Painting," September 9–October 22, 1989, no catalogue.
Dallas Museum of Art. "Philip Guston: 50 Years of Painting," November 19, 1989–January 14, 1990, no catalogue.
New York. Museum of Modern Art. "High and Low: Modern Art, Popular Culture," October 7, 1990–January 15, 1991, unnumbered cat. (fig. 111; lent by a private collection, New York).
Art Institute of Chicago. "High and Low: Modern Art, Popular Culture," February 20–May 12, 1991, unnumbered cat.
Los Angeles. Museum of Contemporary Art. "High and Low: Modern Art, Popular Culture," June 21–September 15, 1991, unnumbered cat.
Boston University Art Gallery. "Philip Guston 1975–1980: Private and Public Battles," September 17–October 30, 1994, unnumbered cat. (pl. 4; lent by a private collection, Courtesy McKee Gallery, New York).
Kunstmuseum Bonn. "Philip Guston: Gemälde 1947–1979," September 2–November 1, 1999, unnumbered cat. (p. 117; lent by a private collection).
Ottawa. National Gallery of Canada. "Philip Guston: Paintings of Four Decades," May 12–July 30, 2000, unnumbered cat.
Paris. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou. "Philip Guston Peintures 1947–1979," September 13–December 4, 2000, unnumbered cat. (p. 75; lent by a private collection).
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. "Philip Guston Retrospective," March 30–June 8, 2003, unnumbered cat. (pl. 107; lent by a private collection).
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. "Philip Guston Retrospective," June 28–September 27, 2003, unnumbered cat.
New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Philip Guston Retrospective," October 28, 2003–January 4, 2004, unnumbered cat.
London. Royal Academy of Arts. "Philip Guston Retrospective," January 24–April 12, 2004, unnumbered cat.
La Biennale di Venezia. "51st International Art Exhibition. The Experience of Art," June 12–November 6, 2005, unnumbered cat. (p. 108; lent by a private collection. Courtesy McKee Gallery, New York).
Los Angeles. Hammer Museum. "Oranges and Sardines: Conversations on Abstract Painting," November 9, 2008–February 8, 2009, unnumbered cat. (p. 73; lent by a private collection; courtesy of McKee Gallery, New York).
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. "Philip Guston: Das große Spätwerk / Late Works," November 6, 2013–February 2, 2014, unnumbered cat. (p. 53; lent by a private collection).
Hamburg. Deichtorhallen. "Philip Guston Late Works," February 22–May 25, 2014, unnumbered cat.
Humlebaek. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. "Philip Guston Late Works," June 4–September 7, 2014, unnumbered cat.
Venice. Gallerie dell'Accademia. "Philip Guston and the Poets," May 10–September 3, 2017, unnumbered cat. (p. 100; lent by a private collection).
New York. Hauser & Wirth. "Philip Guston, 1969–1979," September 9–October 30, 2021, no catalogue.
New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Philip Guston: What Kind of Man Am I?," May 25–August 1, 2023, no catalogue (lent by Musa Guston Mayer).
London. Tate Modern. "Philip Guston," October 5, 2023–February 25, 2024, not in catalogue.
Robert Storr. Philip Guston. New York, 1986, ill. back cover (color).
Tony Godfrey. The New Image: Painting in the 1980s. New York, 1986, p. 121, colorpl. 102.
Francisco Rivas. "El Último Perplejo." El Europeo (March 1989), ill. p. 73 (color).
F[rancisco]. Calvo Serraller. "Abierta en Madrid una retrospectiva de Guston: En Centro Reina Sofia expone 70 obras del artista que pasó del expresionismo abstracto a la figuración." El País (Madrid) (March 2, 1989), p. 32.
Julián Gállego. "El gusto de Guston." ABC (Madrid) (March 2, 1989).
Iñaki Moreno Ruiz de Eguino. "La primera retrospectiva europea de Philip Guston, en Madrid." Diario Vasco (San Sebastián) (March 11, 1989).
Adam Gopnik. High and Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture. Exh. cat., Museum of Modern Art, New York. New York, 1990, p. 223, fig. 111 (color).
Miles Unger. "Philip Guston: Wrestling with the Past." Art New England 16 (December 1994–January 1995), p. 71, ill. p. 32.
Cate McQuaid. "Battleground: How Philip Guston Fought the War to Create Art." Boston Phoenix (September 23, 1994), p. 11, dates it 1975.
Nancy Stapen. "Painting as Salvation: Philip Guston Exhibit at Boston University Offers Profound Rewards." Boston Sunday Globe (October 2, 1994), p. B6.
Jon Imber. "Philip Guston: Teacher, Mentor, and Friend." Art New England 16 (December 1994–January 1995), p. 33.
Blake Morandi inPhilip Guston 1975–1980: Private and Public Battles. Exh. cat., Boston University Art Gallery. Seattle, 1994, pp. 48, 62, colorpl. 4.
Kevin Power inPicasso, Guston, Miro, de Kooning: In vollkommener Freiheit... Paintings for Themselves: Late Works. Ed. Hanne Zech. Exh. cat., Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen. Munich, 1996, ill. p. 86.
Michael E. Shapiro inPhilip Guston: Working Through the Forties. Exh. cat., University of Iowa Museum of Art. Iowa City, 1997, p. 8.
David Anfam. "Bonn, Philip Guston." Burlington Magazine 141 (December 1999), p. 768, fig. 72 (color).
Thomas Kliemann. "Ein Mandarin will Tölpel sein." General-Anzeiger (Bonn) (September 2, 1999), ill.
Amine Haase. "Die Gewalt der lesbaren Bilder: Spektakulär Deutschland-Premiere des amerikanischen Malers Philip Guston." Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne) (September 2, 1999), ill.
"Hommage an Philip Guston." Bonner Rundschau (Bonn) (September 2, 1999), ill.
Heidrun Wirth. "Die Schuhsohlen des Exzentrikers: Das Kunstmuseum Bonn würdigt den amerikanischen Künstlers Philip Guston mit einer
umfangreichen Ausstellung." Westfälische Rundschau (Dortmund, DE) (September 4, 1999), ill.
Heidrun Wirth. "Unberechenbares Dickicht der Nacht: Das Bonner Kunstmuseum entdeckt den Amerikaner Philip Guston neu." Donaukurier (Ingolstadt, DE) (September 4–5, 1999), ill.
Holger Liebs. "Der Untergeher: Der Traum der Abstraktion gebiert Ungeheuer: Philip Guston im Bonner Kunstmuseum." Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich) (September 29, 1999), ill.
Ursula Bode. "Zweifel als Form: Der amerikanische Maler Philip Guston im Kunstmuseum Bonn." Die Zeit (Hamburg) (October 14, 1999), ill.
Christiane Vielhaber. "Bonn: Philip Guston." Kunstzeitung no. 38 (October 1999), ill. p. 10.
Christoph Schreier inPhilip Guston: Gemälde 1947–1979. Ed. Christoph Schreier et al. Exh. cat., Kunstmuseum Bonn. Ostfildern-Ruit, 1999, pp. 24, 140, ill. p. 117 (color) and front cover (color).
Christoph Bannat. "Heimlicher Vater, Tabubruch: Philip Guston kehrte von der Abstraktion zuruk zur Figur." Vogue (Berlin) (February 2000), ill. p. 154.
Sarah Milroy. "'I Was Feeling Split, Schizophrenic'." National Post (May 17, 2000), p. B11, ill. p. B10 (color).
Donald Kuspit. "Philip Guston's Self-Doubt." December 4, 2003.
David Anfam. "Preview, Winter 2003: Philip Guston, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth." Artforum (January 2003), ill. p. 50 (color).
Gaile Robinson. "An Eye for Anguish: Modern's Exhibit Gives Philip Guston a Rare Turn in the Spotlight." Fort Worth Star-Telegram (March 28–April 3, 2003), ill. front page of section Star Time (color).
Jaclyn Gonzales. "Modern Exhibits Disheartened Artist." Rambler (Fort Worth) (April 9, 2003), ill. p. 8.
Tucker Nichols. ""Philip Guston Made Me Do It.' Philip Guston Retrospective, SFMOMA June 28–September 28, 2003." September 2, 2003, ill. (color).
William Corbett. "Philip Guston in Retrospect." November 2003.
"Philip Guston: Abstract Expressionism's Provocative Pioneer and Ultimate Critic." USA Today (West Babylon, N.Y.) (November 2003), p. 51, ill. p. 49 (color).
Philip Roth. "Pictures of Guston." Modern Painters (Autumn 2003), ill. p. 70 (color).
Michael E. Shapiro inPhilip Guston Retrospective. Exh. cat., Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Fort Worth, 2003, pp. 31, 241, 255, colorpl. 107, reprints Ref. Shapiro 1997.
Philip Roth. "The Odd Couple." Sunday Telegraph Magazine (January 4, 2004), pp. 16–19, ill. (color).
Lucas Reiner. "Fear and Trembling of the Image." Beyond Baroque 26, no. 2 (2004), p. 9.
Barbara Hess. Abstract Expressionism. Ed. Uta Grosenick. Hohenzollernring, 2005, ill. p. 74 (color).
Boris Hohmeyer. "Die Entdeckung der Wirklichkeit." Art: Das Kunstmagazin no. 3 (March 2007), ill. p. 27 (color).
Manuel Botelho. Guston em contexto: Até ao regresso da figura. [Lisbon], 2007, ill. p. 143 (color).
Christoph Schreier and Michael Semff, ed. Philip Guston: Works on Paper. Exh. cat., Kunstmuseum Bonn. Ostfildern, 2007, p. 213.
David Kaufmann. Telling Stories: Philip Guston's Later Works. Berkeley, 2010, pp. 49, 69.
Barbara Hess. "Philip Guston." Modern Art: Volume 2, 1945–2000. Ed. Hans Werner Holzwarth and Laszlo Taschen. Hohenzollernring, 2011, ill. p. 422 (color).
Lee Beard et al. The Art Book. 2nd ed. (1st ed., 1994). New York, 2012, p. 239, ill. (color).
Ingrid Pfeiffer inPhilip Guston: Das Grosse Spätwerk/Late Works. Ed. Ingrid Pfeiffer and Max Hollein. Exh. cat., Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. Cologne, 2013, pp. 22–23, 149, ill. p. 53 (color).
Dion. "Philip Guston at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt." Art News Blog. October 23, 2013, ill. (color).
"Philip Guston Late Works at Schirn Kunsthalle." (n d ks). November 2013, ill. (color).
Jana V. Schmidt. "Philip Guston's Piles." Traversals of Affect: On Jean-François Lyotard. Ed. Julie Gaillard et. al. London, 2016, p. 147.
Stefano Castelli. "Philip Guston e i poeti, retrospettiva tematica di un grande pittore." Arte (June 2017), ill. (color, installation photo).
Robert Storr. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London, 2020, p. 165, no. 175, ill. p. 169 (color).
Vivian Chui. "Philip Guston's Most Controversial Decade of Work." September 22, 2021, ill. (color) and ill. (color, installation photo, Exh. New York 2021).
Ilana Novick. "Controversial Philip Guston Paintings at Hauser & Wirth." October 4, 2021.
Mira Schor. "Philip Guston." October 22, 2021.
Roberta Smith. "After the Storm, Philip Guston for Real." New York Times (September 10, 2021), p. C10, ill. (color, installation photo, Exh. New York 2021).
John Yau. "Philip Guston's Unblinking Eye." September 29, 2021.
Vivienne Chow. "The Met Now Boasts the World's Largest Collection of Philip Guston's Work, Thanks to a 220-Piece Gift by the Artist's Daughter." December 15, 2022.
"The Met Museum Receivess Gift of 220 Philip Guston Works From His Daughter." December 14, 2022.
Mark Westall. "Tate Modern to Present a Landmark Exhibition of Philip Guston This October." August 22, 2023, ill. (color).
Musa Mayer. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston. 7th [1st ed, 1988]. [Zurich], 2023, p. 180.
Jackie Wullschläger. "Philip Guston, Tate Modern Review — Violent, Unsettling and Thrilling From Start to Finish." October 5, 2023.
Michael Wellen and Musa Mayer. "Transformations on a Canvas." Tate Etc. no. 59, [online resource:], Autumn 2023.
Jan Woolf. "The Bigot in the Hood." November 16, 2023, ill. (color).
Nathan Smith. "Tate Modern Reveals Philip Guston's Hoodwink." November 9, 2023, ill. (color).
Laura Cumming. "Philip Guston; Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas Review – Tragi-comic Cartoonery." October 8, 2023.
Vivienne Chow. "15 Must-See Shows This Fall in Europe, From a Major Survey of Marina Abramović to a Face Off Between Edvard Munch and Goya: Philip Guston." September 14, 2023.
"State of the Art: Michael Wellen." December 5, 2023, ill. (color, overall and detail).
Mark Westall. "Philip Guston’s First Major UK Retrospective in 20 Years Opens at Tate Modern." October 9, 2023.
"Philip Guston’s First Major UK Retrospective in 20 Years on View at Tate Modern." October 9, 2023.
Lisbeth Thalberg. "Philip Guston. Tate Modern. London." October 7, 2023, ill. (color).
Sue Hubbard. "Philip Guston Tate Modern Worth The Wait." October 6, 2023.
Federico Florian. "Philip Guston arriva alla Tate Modern." October 3, 2023, ill. (color detail).
Mathilde Dillmann. "Londres: Philip Guston à l'honneur." L'Objet D'Art no. 603 (September 2023), ill. p. 17 (color).
"Talk of the Town: Film." South London Press (October 13, 2023), p. 23.
The Guston Foundation, ed. Catalogue Raisonné. Online resource [], 2024–2025 (accessed), no. P77.008, ill. (color).
Valérie Duponchelle. "Philip Guston, le peintre qui met du mouvement dans l'abstraction." Le Figaro (January 18, 2024), Culture section, p. 34.
The Met's engagement with art from 1890 to today includes the acquisition and exhibition of works in a range of media, spanning movements in modernism to contemporary practices from across the globe.