Book Retrieval Schedule
Refer to the chart below to determine when your items will be available, based on item location and time of request. You will be notified via email when your item is available.
Met staff only: See the "Recall Policy and Instructions" section of the Additional Services for Met Staff page if you have placed a recall on a checked out item and would like more information.
Location of Materials | Time of Request | Time available for pick-up |
Watson Library Stacks | Before 10:30 am | 11:30 am |
Before 12:00 pm | 1 pm | |
Before 2 pm | 3 pm | |
Before 3:30 pm | 4:30 pm | |
Watson Library Special Collections (Photo ID Required) | Anytime | Retrieved upon Request at Circulation Desk. (Monday–Friday, 10 am–4 pm; Saturday 10 am-2 pm) |
Departmental Libraries | Anytime | Within 3 business days of request |
Offsite | Anytime | Within 3 business days of requests placed by 2:30 pm |
Saturdays: Requested books with the location Watson Library Stacks are retrieved approximately every 20 minutes until 2pm. No books are retrieved after 2pm.
Departmental library books are not available for retrieval.